Initiations to the Snake Club

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If I thought that telling them about the drinks was funny...watching them try them was even funnier.

Pansy pinched her nose and downed her first one so she didn't really taste anything.

Blaise hopped around for about 10 minutes before taking a lick - yes a lick.

Draco however surprised me and took a proper large gulp.

"Weren't you worried it would taste bad?" Pansy asked as she took another glassfull from Theo and relaxed knowing it wasn't awful.

"No, I knew it was ok," he shrugged

"Eh how?"

"I trust Raelyn." I was still sitting on his knees and he gave me a squeeze. I kissed his cheek.

Blaise had a mischievous glint in his eyes and he sat on the sofa and leaned across looking at you.

"So Realyn...about these questions " Blaise started as he sat on the floor in order to be even closer to you.

"She doesn't have to answer them." Draco warned.

"Yes she does!"

"You made me answer them." Pansy pouted.

"And Azaleah."

"Yeah but she is different."

"I don't mind. Only if I get to ask you guys some. Deal?" I held out my hand to Blaise.

"Deal." He said shaking it.

"Then ask away Zabini."

"Question 1: are you a virgin?"

Merlin he doesn't waste any time. Dracos head snapped up to hear the answer. Usually I would tell a few little white lies here but for some reason I decided to be honest.

What could go wrong?

"No I'm not. Are you?"

"Def not!"

"Me neither."

"Nor me.

"Or me."

"Question 2: where is the weirdest place you have done it?"

"Merlin I have no clue...em...prefects bathroom? Or Potions classroom? You?"

"Hufflepuff common room."



"Eh trophy room." Pansy blurted out.

Fair play to you Pansy.

"Question 3: wildest thing you have done?"

I had to think about this one. There were a few possibilities.

"Besides jump of a roof? Oh Draco, Harry and I jumped off the grand staircase earlier?"

"Wait you what?" Blaise choked out.

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz