Catch Ups

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"Oh em...well...after the...well you had to be rebuilt as there was quite a bit of damage. It took everyone about 2 weeks but there were many hands to help. Mrs Weasley was there along with her whole family."

"Of course. Hogwarts is a historical building and needed to be brought back to it's former glory." Mrs Weasley smiled.

"With a few adjustments. The biggest one being the Buddy System -"

"The what?"

"Buddy System. McGonagall thought it up. Basically the 7th years have been paired up. Our partners are who we share meal times with and who we have our conselling sessions with. She made sure that we are each paired with someone we were unlikely to have crossed paths with before."

"And w....who is your p...partner?"

"Draco Malfoy of all people."

"What?" she asked sounding more like her old self than she had since she arrived.

"Seriously misunderstood boy, that one. I have become close to his mother and I have come to realise how manipulated and downright abused his mother and he were by that Lucius one. How is he?" Mrs Weasley asked with all the concern of a mother.

"He is good. He was a little hesitant at first and I get the impression that he did not like me much but he finally began to open up to me. It's nice to see the real Draco underneath his persona."

Azaleah and Mrs Weasley both looked at me smirking.

"And how did he find going back to school? Were people...I mean where they mean to him?"

"Well there is always going to be those who were unwilling to accept that he has changed," I couldn't help but look up to Mrs Weasley as I said that. She caught my eye and frowned as if realising who I was talking about. "But 90% of the school have been great. And the one's that aren't...well let's just say that I know how to handle them."

"Oh Ginny told me. You enlarged a boys tongue and gave him a fog horn for vocals," Mrs Weasley chuckled. "Usually I do not condone violence but in this case I believe it was warranted."

"Well I am glad you think so." I smirked. Little did she know her son nearly received the same hex last night.

Azaleah, who had finished her bowl and was currently being served a second by Mrs Weasley sighed.

" good that ev...everything has settled...after...after the battle." her voice was now shaky but it seemed to be more due to tiredness than anything else.

"Yeah I wouldn't say it's back to normal. If anything it is better. No rivalry between houses as much anymore...unless you count on the Quidditch pitch."

She yawned again. 

"Alright Missy, you are exhausted and in need of a night's sleep in a comfy bed. I have had Trixie heat up the duvet for you so off you go. I will clean this up and be up to check on you. Raelyn will show you to your room."

We stood and headed off upstairs. "Your bedroom is here on the left. Right next to mine. I hope that's ok?"

She gave a nod. "So t...this is y.. your home? Do.. do you live...w... with Amos?"

"Absolutely not! I moved out last summer. No I own this house. Just me, myself and I. Well and you now too."

She smiled. "It is b.. beautiful. Just the sort of I would have p...pictured you in."

"I do adore it. There are 5 rooms here so plenty of space for everyone if they visit. I am afraid I have no clothes in your room yet. But I will send for some tomorrow. For now you can borrow pyjamas from me."

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