Happy New Year!

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I sat giggling at Theo and Pansy who were in the middle of a dance off in the middle of the floor. He currently doing the robot and she was breakdancing.

"Bloody mental those two," Blaise laughed.

"Don't be jealous just because you can't dance honey," Pansy called as Theo swung her around.

Blaise huffed. "I can dance fine Rae don't listen to her."

I grabbed Blaise's shirt. "You may have to prove that to me Zabini," I laughed as I pulled him into the middle of the room to dance.

Actually Blaise was a very good dancer. He swung me around and over his shoulder like an expert. He reminded me of a flapper style dancer  that I saw in the movies.

Draco and Azaleah eventually joined the floor with the six of us forming a sort of circle in the middle of the room.

Each of us in turn were pushed to the middle of the floor by ourselves to dance to show off a skill.

Draco did some sort of hiphop thing that was hot, Theo did some sort of backwards walk he had seen a muggle celebrity do...a moon dance I think he said.

Pansy shook her hips while Azaleah did a little jig. Blaise may have been the best with his line dancing.

When it was my turn I did what most girls do, shook my ass and moved lower and lower to I was almost on the floor before bending over to come back up, grinding against Draco in the process.

He seemed pleased.

"Rae wins!" Blaise smirked while Theo stood with his mouth open.

"I've known you how bloody long and I've never seen you do that!" Theo gasped.

"I have," Azaleah laughed. "She taught Teeny and I how to do it too."

"Interesting," Theo growled. I assume he managed to apologise to Azaleah given she was now dancing against him.

I made my way over to get a drink. "Want Firewhiskey or one of those fancy cocktail things?" Blaise asked.

"A cocktail...want one?"

He shook his head. "Little too sweet for my taste."

"Let me make you a new one. You might like this one. Not sweet at all. It's made with whiskey."

"Whiksey? I'm intrigued "

"Do you trust me?" I asked.

He thought for a few seconds and smirked. "In theory."

"Good. Well sit " I pointed to the chair, "I will make your drink."

I began to add the whiskey, lemon juice and sugar syrup to the mixer with ice.

His face fell when I brought out the egg.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked looking disgusted.

"Trust me OK?"

He nodded as I cracked the egg and added the whites to the drink. Closing the lid I began to dance around as I shook the cocktail, showing off.

I then added it to a new glass and garnished before handing it to him.

He looked wary as he sniffed it and took a tiny sip.

"Ooohhhh" he moaned in delight. "It's actually really good!" He took a bigger sip. "Merlin Rae maybe I need to move in as well if you can cook and make drinks."

"You're always welcome," I smiled.

"So Draco lives here now?" He asked.

"He does. Its exciting."

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ