The Real Teeny

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"I'm going to vomit." I said as Draco soothed my hair.

To be honest I felt bad reacting like this in front of him. It's not that I still had any feelings for Wren. I didn't. But the fact that Teeny could do this. Could be so manipulative?

It sickened me.

I looked up to meet Wrens eyes. "Raelyn I am so sorry." He begged.

I was always a firm believer that there is no point in dwelling on the past.

"It's fine Wren. It's done. Thank you for telling me."

"I wanted to finally do the right thing. I've been hiding for so long. Ashamed of what I did and embarrassed that I let her blackmail me like that. But you needed to know she wasn't the girl you thought she was. She was mean and conniving and manipulative."

"That she was." Came a response but those time it wasn't me or Wren. It was Blaise.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I mean I had the pleasure of meeting the real Teeny Hughes and she was NOT anything like the delightful girl you speak of Raelyn. She was toxic."

"You've seen this side of her?"

"A couple of times. Yes." He nodded and looked at his feet awkwardly.

"Seems I didn't know her as well as I thought I did."

"Not just me but Hermione and Ron as well."


"There was an...incident after they saved Draco and I from the Room of Requirement."

"I don't remember any-" Draco started.

"You were having a moment with Potter."

"Oh." Draco nodded in repsose.

There was a few moments of silence while everyone absorbed the information they received.

"What did you see Blaise?"

"I think it's best to wait until Hermiome is present to tell you. It's not exactly nice and she can verify bits I wasn't sure about."

That seemed odd but I didnt want to push him.

"Rae, I dont know what happened the night of the battle. I do know that Teeny could not be trusted. I don't think for one second that Azaleah is capable of murder but Teeny? I wouldnt put it past her."

"She had issues clearly but she was our friend."

"She stole your hair and immatated you to sleep with me. She even had your braclet on."

My head snapped up. "What?"

"Your bracelet. The one I got you. She had it on her."

"She did?"

"I asked her about it the next day. She said I clearly bought it for her and said, in her words 'it was obvious that the bracelet was meant for me but that bitch took it. She took you from me but never again.' She was mental!

My head was thumping and suddenly all memories came flooding back to me.

And I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Love, are you ok?" Draco asked. He sat me down and kneeled in front of me. "Hey, hey, look at me. Rae look at me," he pulled up my chin.

I looked into his grey eyes as I tried to control my breathing.

"You're OK. Breathe with me." He placed my hand on his chest. Right over his heart. "In and out. Come on Rae. In and out. You got this."

It took a few minutes but my breathing calmed. He smiled at me. "That's my girl."

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