A Trip Down Memory Lane

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"Ok, we ready?" Blaise asked.

"Ready," came the reply from Nate, Wren, Harry and myself. All four of us stood in Rae and my bedroom as Kingsley was going over what we needed to look out for. 

"Now we have compiled these memories into one trip. We are lucky. Teeny managed to share her memories with Benjamin to convince him to help her. He has provided us with those as well as his own. So it will be like seeing a memory inside a memory. It may be a little confusing but just try to keep up."

"I have done this before," Harry shrugged. "The nausea isn't too bad." 

"Looking forward to it," Wren answered with a sarcastic tone in his voice. 

I looked around as my new travel companions. The guyvwho tried to choke me earlier, Rae's ex-boyfriend, a guy she made out with once and my arch nemesis, turned acquaintance, dare I say friend. If last year Draco could see me now, he would have kittens!

But so much had changed in a year. I was finally free to be the man I always wanted to be. I had found love. Something I never expected to happen to me. Raelyn had become my everything in such a short space of time. 

I couldn't imagine my life without her so the fact that I could do this and finally get answers to why someone would want to hurt her is...crazy. 

"Let's do this," I nodded at the group. 


I turned to face Raelyn who looked a little apprehensive about what was happening. I walked over to where she was sitting. She was out of bed which was a good sign. She was sitting in an armchair by the fireplace with Azaleah and Hermione sitting at either side of her. with Ron holding the curse book hostage on Hermione.

"I won't be long until I am back again. Make sure to listen out for the alarm for your potion. And while I am away you can keep yourself busy by helping Professor Slughorn with his book. Hermione will be excited to hear all about it, right Granger?"

"A book - is someone writing a book? Oh is it on the curse and it's effects?" She looked very excited. 

"See?" I smirked at the love of my life who giggled. 

"Now you've done it!" Ron muttered. "We've lost Hermione for at least an hour."

"Come on mate. Your mum made cookies this afternoon for us." Theo chuckled as he and Ron headed out to the kitchen.

I looked back at Raelyn and kissed her. "I love you. I will be back soon."

"You bloody better," she smirked and kissed me again. 

"Alright lover boy. Sooner we leave, the sooner you can get back and suck the face off her," Nate chuckled. 

I rolled my eyes, kissed her again and stood up. The five lads circled around the travel sized pensive, Kingsley had set up. 

"Ok boys, remember no one will be able to see or hear you. Keep your eyes and ears peeled."

We nodded as Harry cleared his throat. "On the count of three. One, two, three...."

I took a deep breath and bent over the pensive. It felt like dipping my head into a basin of freezing cold water. Then I had the sensation I was falling. Which apparently I was as I landed with a thud. Thankfully it was on top of something squishy.

"Jeez man get off me!" Blaise grunted under me. 

"Shit sorry mate," I said standing up quickly and reaching my arm down to offer him a hand up.

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