Unexpected Meetings

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"All that sappiness on the roof I was afraid I would lose my appetite." Theo smirked as Azaleah set dishes of food in front of us. 

She had been up early this morning and made a huge assortment of foods. Sausages, bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast, french toast, beans, mushrooms, black and white puddings, fried tomatoes plus fruit, cereals, granola and tea, coffee and a variety of juice. 

"More of us," I said calling his bluff. 

There was no way in hell that Theo would turn down food of any kind. It amazed me how he managed to stay so thin considering the amount of food he put away everyday. 

"Hey, I said I was afraid I would. Not that I did." He retorted before tucking into his his plate which he had filled to the point that it was overflowing. 

"Theo you are like Pippin!" Draco laughed.

I snorted into my orange juice. 

"Who?" Theo scrunched up his nose. 

"A character in a book I read once." Draco remarked. 

"You read those books?" I asked. In reality that is exactly who Theo reminded me of.

"You recommended them to me so of course I did!" 

I tucked into fruit, granola and yogurt. My favourite breakfast. Teddy was sitting in his highchair which just happened to be sitting in between Draco and myself. Teddy moved his little arm forward, stretching trying to steal fruit off my plate.

"Here you go, little man," I smiled as I scooped some yogurt onto a spoon and held it up to his lips. He wolfed it down. I cut up a bit of my strawberry and did the same. It was only a tiny little bit as he had only just started to eat solids. 

He squealed in delight and beamed up at me and his chair suddenly changed from it's usual brown to match mine and then back again.

"Did you see that?" I asked excitedly.

"See what?" Andy answered as everyone turned to look at me. 

"His hair changed." I remarked.

"I don't think so Rae. He hasn't shown any traces of that yet." Andy said. 

I repeated the process of feeding him off my plate again and again with Draco giving him some beans out of the bowl in front of him. He looked up at Draco and giggled. His hair changed his time to Draco's platinum blonde.

Draco dropped the spoon.

"Oh Merlin," Andromeda exclaimed. It was pretty obvious now. "I cannot believe he did it!" Tears pooled over her eyes. "He is a metamorphosis. Just like his mommy." 

I bent down to Teddy's face and his hair changed to a baby blue colour. "You are the cutest!" I rubbed my nose against his and kissed his cheeks. "I could just keep you!"

Draco bent down too. "She is mine mate. Find your own girl. I will fight you for her!" He growled and held his fist up. Teddy just squealed again and slobbered all over Draco's fist. "You fight dirty cuz, I like it. You could be a Slytherin."

"Or a Ravenclaw," I corrected him. 

"Well his mother was a Hufflepuff and his father a Gryffindor so we will have to wait and see. I will be proud no matter what house he is placed in." Andromeda smiled again, finishing her own breakfast, setting down her fork, rising from her seat and coming around the table to lift Teddy. "My little man is growing up so fast. Your momma and daddy and pop would be so proud of you little man. What a perfect Christmas present."

She cuddled him close to her chest. 

I turned to look across at Narcissa. She was smiling with tear filled eyes. 

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