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I was afraid to even speak in the lab the following day. I knew that everyone was concentrating to the best of their ability. Currently Professor Slughorn was having a nap as Arnas and Zygmuno were taking turns stirring the potion in the large cauldron in the middle of the room.

The lab always smelt of Jasmine as I have plenty of candles scattered around the room but right now it smelt of sulphur. Not the most pleasant of smells. Actually it made me gag so I could only be in the room for small measurements of time.

Hermione, thankfully, was just as fascinated and was giving me a very detailed blow by blow of what took place during the day.

Wren had brought Isabella back to the house and she was currently in the garden, chasing Laila around. I wasn't sure who was having more fun.

Azaleah and I were currently in the living room, lying up on the sofa. She sat with her feet tucked up beneath and my legs draped over hers.

She had enchanted the record player to play our favourite songs and we were sitting in a comfortable silence. Well at least we were.

"Everyone having fun?" Theo smirked as he jumped over the back of the sofa and in between the two of us.

"Love, be careful of Raelyn's legs!" She scolded.

"Why? She still has them - fully functional too as far as I know. Only thing she lost was her taste in men."

I was about to slap Theo around the head but Draco beat me to it as he walked into the room.

"She has great taste in men, thank you very much."

"Yeah gonna have to agree with Draco on that one," Wren said walking past into the other room.

"Yip - nothing wrong with her taste in men," Nate smirked walking into the kitchen.

All four of us leaned around to make sure no other ex's had opinions or anything to say.

"Well that was amusingly awkward," Theo beamed.

"Hey!" I said lifting my leg and kicking him. There was no way it hurt as I am not exactly fitting fit at the moment but he still feigned injury.

"What? It's not too often two ex's and current partner are all in the same place."

"I don't know about two," I smirked and looked to Azaleah and winked, making sure Theo could see me.

"You too?" Theo gasped turning to his girlfriend as Draco took into a fit of laughter.

"Hey don't tell secrets! What did I ever do to you to deserve that?" Azaleah pouts at me.

"Enough," I winked.

Theo nearly slid off the sofa and Draco was vibrating with excitement.

"This is the best day of my life!" Theo croaked.

"Is he gazing into a mirror again?" Pansy asked coming in to join us with cups of tea for everyone.

"No - Raelyn made out with Azaleah!"

"Just now? How did I miss that? Do it again, do it again!" Blaise whined.

"No, it was ages ago." Azaleah blushed. "Like forever ago."

"Yeah when we were young and stupid!" I protested.

"It was bloody awesome!" Nate said retreating back through the living room and out into the study where Bill was looking into the curse more, now that we knew what it was.

"Quiet you!" I shouted after him. I could hear him chuckling from the hallway.

"No fair - he got to see!" Theo sulked.

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