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Raelyn POV

By time we were heading back through the portrait hole, it was long past curfew.

"We wondered where you got to." Blasie said without even lifting his head up from his card game with Theo.

Pansy was laying on the couch with Bleu on her chest as she fed him pieces of what looked like chicken.

"Sorry we went for a walk and lost track of time." I smiled as I moved to the fire to warm myself up a little.

"It's alright. You didn't miss much. I beat Theo about 4 times at exploding snap. Fancy a game?"

"I will play you." Draco plopped himself down on the spare cushion at the coffee table.

As he as Blaise began to play, Theo approached you and shouldered you lightly.

"You doing OK Rae?"

"I am Theo. I'm doing better than I could have imagined."

"Would that have anything to do with a certain blonde?"

"I would have to say it would."

"Well I am glad. I was worried about you coming back to school alone. I thought you would have had no one."

"So did I. But I met Pansy and Blaise on the train. Draco too although I didn't think he liked me much. And I met Harry too. It's strange I was never good at making friends before."

"You mean you never got the chance to."


"Come on. No one got into your friend group easily. Heck it took me months. Teeny didn't make it easy with her questions and her weird little demeaner she had.

"You've lost me."

"Like the time she told everyone that you had a contagious disease because everyone heard you singing and wanted to hangout with you to hear more. Or when she told everyone that her father was a muggle serial killer. Or how about when she called Azaleah a traitorous bitch becaue she invited Luna to Hogsmeade that weekend."

"Well she was protective."

"Rae - don't get me wrong, I loved her but she made it hard for anyone to get close to you. Only reason I got in was because I bought the alcohol. Dean she only liked because his mum was a muggle and Wren she fancied."

"She did?"

"She flirted with him all the time. How did you not see it? I think she made you and Aza social pariahs on purpose."

"I don't think I ever noticed."

"I love you but you are blind. Ask Luna. Ask Dean. Ask any of your brothers mates. Ask Azal...." He gave a sniff.

"How was she yesterday?" I asked sitting myself on the floor in front of the fire. Theo sat next to me.

His whole face seemed to sink at the question.

"She looks awful. She tried to smile and pretend to be happy when she saw me but I know it was for show."

I took his hand in my own.

"Her room is awful looking. There is a cot bed, a wooden chair and a desk in her room. That is it. She said she gets a book given to her from the trolley once a week. She's read every book in there already.

She gets out to shower and for 30minutes exercise everyday. That's it. Only comfort she had is her mother and father are across the hall in adjoing cells and she can speak to them everyday. Her brother is next to her."

"It breaks my heart to leave her everytime. Her mother came to the last visit un that horrible little room to talk about the appeal. She is so pleased that we are trying to help Azaleah."

The Buddy System.    *Complete* Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt