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Draco POV

Holy shit she looks fucking hot!

Say something you idiot! Tell her she looks good. Tell her she looks hot.

"You look amazing," I managed.

"Thank you Draco. I like your cut. It suits you."

In reality that Beth girl had went too short in my sides. I usually wore my hair gelled and sitting to perfection. She had left the top natural, having the sides sitting tight and the top longer. But if Raelyn liked it I was going to keep it like this for the rest of my life.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Very handsome son," my mother smiled.

Typical mother. One minute she was lecturing me about Sophie and how she was not a good girlfriend if she treated Raelyn like she had and now she was telling me how good I looked. It was hard to stay mad at her.

Beth was tidying up as Narcissa stood up. "I want a photo of you both."

"Mother." I warned her. What was she playing at?

"Indulge your mother please?" She grinned. How can I say no to that face. "You don't mind Raelyn do you?"

"Em...no it's fine." She smiled clearly embarrassed.

She was too nice for her own good.

She came to stand beside me. I moved closer to her so that our bodies were touching.

"Draco put your arm around her," Andromeda smirked.

"What is up with you two?"

"Just do it," she rolled her eyes at me.

I did as I was told and put my arm around her waist. More sparks flew at our touch. By the blush on her cheek and the way her body reacted just now, I knew that she felt it too.

"Oh you are so cute together," My mother smiled as she conjured a camera and took the picture.

When she put the camera away we both stood there, neither moving. I still had my arm around her.

"So you two kissed last night?"

"Mother!" This bloody woman is going to be the death of me.

"What? I am curious." You are also nosey.

"Well...I mean...yes we did."

"Oh I am delighted. So you like each other?"

Merlin mom!

It was an embarrassing question but one I found myself dying to hear what she answered.

I looked down at her as she looked up to me. Again I smiled at her.

This time she took a step away from me. I immediately felt cold.

"That does not matter. He has a girlfriend and I am not that kind of girl."

"She is not my girlfriend!"

"She is as good as and I would hate for someone to steal you away from me so I could not do that to her."

She would hate for someone to steal me? She must like me.

Instead of waiting for my response, she turns to Aunt Andy, embracing her. "You are my hero Andromeda. How much do I owe you?"

"I will pay for it," I said stepping forward.

"No it's fine. I would like to pay for myself."

"Honey, I would not charge you for what I did considering what you went through. I was happy to help."

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