The Tower

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There was a thud as Theo and Blaise both let go of Goyle at the same time, who ended up in a head on the floor, and made their way over to me.

"Hey guys," I winced as Nicola examined me.

"Hey yourself," Theo whispered. "Nicola is she OK?"

"Well she will need a paste for the burn but thankfully it's not severe. Like a nasty sunburn. It will hurt like a mothertrucker for a few hours."

I was now used to Nicola's American accent but I could see the boys look at each other. "Where is Draco?" I asked noticing the blonde's absence.

"He...uh...took off with McGonagall to see Sophie." Theo admitted and Blaise gave him a dig in the ribs. "Ouch what the fuck man?" He glared at Blaise who was staring at me. 

I didn't want to be one of those emotional I wasn't. 

"I hope you didn't get into any trouble? Any of you? I'm not exactly sure who cast those jinxes at her."

Blaise looked confused but Theo smirked. "Trying not to overthink?"

"Something like that...but you didn't answer my question."

Blaise gave a sigh and seemed to relax. "No we didn't get into trouble. There were so many students who had their wands out it would have been hard to figure out who did what exactly."

Now I was confused. "What do you mean?" 

"That there were about 30 students ready to defend you. And before you ask I have no idea who half of them were. I didn't realise you knew that many people."

"Neither did I," I answered honestly as Nicola finished adding the paste to my my arm and stomach and was currently bandaging me up like a bloody mummy."

Theo laughed. "Everyone loves you, you're adorable. So is she ok? Can she leave the hospital? She is missing Hermione teaching Transfiguration in McGonagall's place." 

"She will have to keep the bandages on for another 24 hours or so but luckily I have volunteered to look after Azaleah tomorrow so I will be at your house in the morning to check on everything." She helped me to stand up off the bed. Theo and Blaise stood at either side of me as if expecting me to fall. "Now for the love of all that is magical, please take it bloody easy! This injury thing is becoming too frequent an occurrence for my liking."

"Yes ma'am," Blaise and Theo saluted Nicola. "We will be her constant guardians."

"Good then I can blame you two if anything goes wrong."

"Say what now?" Blaise asked but Nicola just rolled her eyes. 

"Now off you scoot to class. Slowly mind you."

I bid her goodbye and headed off with my two new security guards at either side. Walking along the corridor to Transfiguration, I could see Theo and Blaise scanning the doorways and window ledges as if waiting for a villain to jump out at us.

"You know I am safe. No one is after me."

"How do you know?" Blaise asked raising an eyebrow and smirking as I frowned at him. 

We rounded the corner and bumped straight into Harry and Draco.

"We were just coming to see you," Harry smiled and leaned in to give me a hug causing me to wince. "Shit - sorry."

"It's fine. I will be right as...well as I can be in 24 hours." I smiled at him. Draco hadn't even looked in my direction. Blaise was glaring at him. 

"What is your next class?" Harry asked.

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