Chapter 51 - Vienna

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"I'm not wearing that shit," You scowl at Nat whose just handed you yet another bland, and frankly hideous trouser suit. "I don't even wanna be there, let alone dress up. You're wasting your time."

"While I'm at least glad you're speaking to me, maybe we can drop the bratty attitude just a smidge." She smiles, packing it into the bag.

"I suppose the grey one wouldn't clash hideously with my new accessories!" Raising your hands makes the handcuffs clink together and for the first time you think you can see a glint of guilt in Nats eyes.

Shaking her head, she turns to you, grabbing the restraints around your wrist, pulling you to your feet. "Least you could be thankful for getting out of here."

"Sure," You look around at the bland room before following her out the door. "A meeting with the UN is MUCH more exciting than getting to live my own life."

"Just stop Sasha. OK." She snips, "Now let's move."

"Why all the rushing?"

"We got a pit stop first." She shrugs, throwing your bag to you. "Stopping off at London before we hit Austria."
It takes a minute but you throw your bag on the ground, making Nat sigh heavily. "What now?"

"If you're going to use that man's grief to try and sway him into signing those damn Accords..."

"Relax Sasha. I just wanna be there for my friend." The look she gives you sends a feeling of guilt to your stomach. Was she just talking about Steve?

The plane ride over is silent. You can feel Nat's eyes on you the whole way; watching you, analysing every little movement you make. It was annoying, down right aggravating, but you didn't want to argue with her anymore.

It was difficult; fighting against the friends, the family you loved. Didn't help that the Accords had come along. Eventually, you're sure, you would have been able to convince them to let you leave, let you go back to Bucky, but you had to escape again. Even if part of you didn't really want to.

"Can you at least take the cuffs off when we get to the church?" You ask, breaking the stalemate finally after the long flight. When Nat shakes her head, you roll your eyes. "I'm not going to run, I'm not going to cause a scene. I just don't feel they're acceptable for funeral wear."


"I won't leave your side Nat. I just wanna be there for Steve." She thinks for a minute before nodding and taking them off; you rub your wrists, glad to be free of the chafing bite for now.

Both of you sit in the back, far away from any onlookers. The church is packed; everyone willing to pay their final respects to Peggy Carter. If you were honest with yourself, you hadn't been convinced after reading her file, but she had been important to Steve and right now he and Sam were the only ones on your side.

You can feel the grief emanating from Steve as he, amongst the other pallbearers lead the coffin on its final steps. The normally stoic, and somewhat robotic Captain carrying the weight of his pain on his shoulders: literally.

"And now to say a few words, Margaret's niece..."

"Oh my god..." You whisper, nudging Nat from her quiet resolve of staring at the floor. Both of you watch as Sharon takes the pulpit. You hadn't seen her since that day in Washington, but you'd checked in a couple of times before you settled in Bucharest. She'd climbed the ranks of the CIA; while you didn't approve of the move, you understood it. After SHIELD collapsed there wasn't a lot of room for people of that ability to go.

"Learn something new everyday." Nat whispers back, a slight chuckle in her voice.

After the service Steve hangs back, enjoying the quiet contemplation of everything that had happened in the last few days. Managing to escape Nat for just a second you head over and stand beside him.

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