Chapter 12 - The Other Guy

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New York, 2012

"So this Dr Banner was trying to recreate the serum?" Rodgers as Coulson as you all make your way to the Helicarrier.

"Yeah, he thought gamma rays could be used to unlock Erskine's original formula." Coulson looks down at the file you're currently reading. Yet again Fury had been holding out on you, thankfully Rodger's hadn't and had given you the file to read on the jet. "It had some interesting results. When he's not that thing though, he's a real Stephen Hawking." Coulson turns to watch the skyline as you edge closer to the Helicarrier. Rodgers looks at you, raised eyebrow.

"He's really smart." You smile, almost laughing at Coulson, fanboying yet trying to stay professional. "Has he asked you to sign his trading cards yet?" You can see the red of embarrassment creeping up Coulson's neck. He turns and gives you a wary look, while Rodgers just shakes his head.

"They're a vintage set." Coulson whispers, turning completely to face the horizon again; not before you notice the complete crimson on his face.

After landing, you see Rodgers march immediately across to the bookish looking man who looks like he's ready to have a heart attack: Bruce Banner. This was not what you had expected when Coulson had asked if you were ready to meet the Hulk. You didn't know much about Banner, most of the time the Hulk was terrorising New York you had been holed up in that tiny office in Washington, hunting Fury's 'so-called' spies. This detail would have been much more interesting.

Finally your frustration lifts slightly as you see Natasha walking towards you. As usual, she gives nothing away, but you can see the tears forming in her eyes: she had been crying, obviously concerned about Barton. You give her a small hug, neither of you daring to show too much emotion in front of everyone. It was nothing personal, but just something neither of you were 100% comfortable with. "We'll get Barton back Nat, whatever it takes."

She nods, then gestures to the two men. "I'll get them inside. Fury's looking for you." You give her shoulder a comforting squeeze and then leave.


You had tried to get more out of Fury when you reached the bridge, but he was giving nothing away, too focused on ensuring that the first launch of the Helicarrier went successfully. You knew what it was capable of, you had helped design some of the online security systems; and it was your tracking programme that was currently on the lookout for Loki. But it still amazed you.

"You know now, because I needed you to know. End of story Volkova, now drop it." He doesn't look at you as he says it, keeping his eye on the altitude of the Helicarrier. It was the standard line: you hadn't needed to know. Fury still didn't completely trust you, and truth be told, you didn't blame him. But you had done everything he had asked, without incident.

"You expect me just to jump in and trust these 'people', without knowing what the bigger picture is?"

"I expect you to follow orders," Fury shut you down. You see flashes of Madame B, and other tormentors from the Red Room, making you back away and sit down. Nat gives you a concerned look when she enters the room with Rodgers and Banner, but you shrug it off. Rodgers walks over to you, shaking his head with a smile while he hands you a $10 note.

"Told you," you wink at him, relieving some of the tension from your recent talk with Fury.

While Banner and Fury talk about the best way to try and locate the cube, you and Nat focus on the tracking programme running. SHIELD was focusing on the manhunt for Loki, but you were more concerned about Barton; what power did Loki hold over him? In the short time you had known him he was as loyal and trustworthy as they come; despite your history with him, you now considered him a friend too. "Never thought I'd see the day you were worried about Barton?" Nat nudges you as you stare at the computer screen.

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