Chapter 5 - Complications

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New York, 2008

Vanko was holding up his end of the bargain, while you supervised, if you could call it that. Technically you were studying. Making note of every movement made in the warehouse: staff rotations, security codes, and keeping track of all the exits. You had to have a backup plan. While you were at an advantage for the moment, you still weren't completely convinced about Vanko. You both barely spoke, but the man was still dangerous, and based on the information Hammer had given you about him, he had a serious issue with Tony Stark and he was a ticking time bomb that could go off at any minute.

Your main focus at the moment was the Stark Expo. Based on the layout, and the fact that Stark's ego would not let him attend the event without taking every opportunity to take centre stage, you had decided to scope out potential sniper's nests. This was the ideal move, simple, and gave ample time for an escape, leaving Hammer and Vanko to deal with the mess afterwards. While you still felt guilt at planning Stark's execution, being surrounded by men like Vanko and Hammer made you all the more determined to see your plan through to fruition.

Your attention is suddenly drawn to the TV. News reports are flowing about the state of Stark Industries. Shares in the company were falling rapidly, most of the blame being thrown at Pepper Potts. Tony Stark had also been out of public view since the events in Monaco, the only function he had been due to attend was his birthday party, but you had thrown that idea out. It was far too dangerous, and far too claustrophobic to even attempt. But now the news was reporting that there had been massive fallout from the party. Colonel James Rhodes had taken one of Stark's Iron Man suits i.e. the US Government had their own Iron Man. Just as you imagined, Stark was not one to take this lying down, and there had been reports of a fight almost destroying his Malibu home. No-one could reach Stark for comment, and Potts wasn't giving anything away. This could be the perfect opportunity.

Hammer strutted his way through to the work area. His flared trousers and heels announcing his arrival before his strong and, quite frankly, offensive aftershave mixed with fake tan could. "I need a ride," you start to say before he puts an orange stained hand in your face, shutting you down. You raise your eyebrows, and pull a small knife from your waistband, holding it down the length of your arm. He takes a step back, and raises both arms in defeat.

"Woah, honey. Cool your jets ok?" You slip the knife away, gently tucking it alongside your wrist, just so it's still in Hammer's view. "Now, before we take about what YOU need, let's talk about Vanko? What the fuck is he doing to my suits?"

"He's turning them in drones."

"And how the fuck is that supposed to help me? He promised me suits. And YOU vouched for him. Toy soldiers are not going to win me any government contracts back. He promised me an army of Iron Men!"

"Relax Hammer. Vanko knows exactly he's doing. Just do what you're used to," You smirk, "Selling bullshit promises. Doesn't matter whether its drones or suits, just dress it up real nice and hope for the best!" You look down at how he's dressed and smirk again, pulling the knife back out and running one finger down the length of the blade. "Or I can make a phone call and announce that you faked Vanko's death to bring him here? I'm sure the French authorities will be seeking retribution for the two dead prison guards?"

Hammer swallows hard, attempting to stare you out, but that's not going to happen. This man is nothing but a puppet, easy to manipulate however you want. "Where do you need to go?"


Malibu, 2008

It wasn't easy, but you managed to get onto the Stark property. You could see the damage from the bottom of the hill. Security was much more lax that you thought it would be. The front window of the illustrious dome was smashed to pieces, leaving Stark open wide for the world to see. You didn't dare get any closer, but you could just make out the conversation Stark was having with someone in what used to be his living area. You recognised the man instantly: Nick Fury, the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Another large target on the KGB's hit list, though you didn't know the full details. You didn't need to know. He was just someone to be 'watched' for now.

You make out the bare minimum of their conversation from lip reading, a discussion about Stark's father, Howard. Just as you figure out they are discussing Vanko your attention was diverted to someone walking into the room. The woman from Monte Carlo; the one with red hair. Except this time her face was clear to see.

Images started flowing through your mind, sending you straight back to the Red Room, but nothing was completely clear. The memories moved too quickly for you to keep hold of. Sometimes you were fighting each other, others you were treating wounds. The sounds were worse: a mixture of laughter, arguments, comforting words; but worst of all screams.

As the pain in your head subsided, you felt a tear run down your face. You knew this woman; she was a Widow. A Widow, working for S.H.I.E.L.D? Things were about to get a lot more complicated.

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