Chapter 96 - See You In A Minute

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The next few days pass by in somewhat of a haze. While the geniuses build the 'time machine' you find yourself mostly at a loose end. You had paid as much attention as you could in Wakanda, but the threat level was too high for the reality to set in.

You spend some time reading all the files you could on the infinity stone, the knowledge more important now than ever, as you were going to have to try and track them through time. Barton helps, that way he can fill the gaps you couldn't quite explain during your time together.

The only physical thing you can do is train. Barton keeps out of this one, simply standing on the sidelines watching; now and then throwing a comment or two your way. The biggest problem you've had so far was another stab of guilt aimed directly at your heart: Thor.

While the two of you had never been particularly close, you still felt guilty for not using your recently found focus to reach out to him. The man, God, whatever you wanted to call him had lose more than most, and in rapid succession. Seeing him now is difficult, especially when you remember the mighty strength and resilience he'd once had. But, like Barton, he was now a shell of his former self, and it tore you up inside, no matter how much you tries not to think about it.

Bruce and Scott haul you from training one day, finally set up completely for a test run of what they're calling the 'quantum suits'. You laugh as the two of them bicker over Bruce's giant form handling what the 'precious' Pym Particles. But the more you try to calm Scott down, the more agitated he becomes. "Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do overs. Plus two test runs." Before you can stop him he suddenly shrinks down before rematerialising. "One test run."

"Way to go tic tac," You give him a sarcastic thumbs up, while remembering Sam's nickname for him. "I don't think you're in the right state of mind for this particular mission." He looks down solemnly, but doesn't argue.

"I'm game." Barton chimes in out of nowhere. "I'll do it."

"You sure Clint?" Bruce asks before you can. Barton just nods and walks over to the suits stored beside Nebula, but his eyes find yours when he does answer.

"Sure. I feel like I've done nothing since I got here. Would be good to contribute something." You nod, knowing exactly how he feels, before turning to Scott.

"You sure we don't have enough for another test run?" But he shakes his head.

"I'll be fine Sasha," Barton grips your arm lightly, also knowing what you were thinking. You didn't want him to go alone.


You and Nat stand nervously, watching as Barton, now fully suited up, heads up to the platform. Everyone else has gathered round too to watch. Of course they had; if this worked it meant you all had a chance of fixing the universe. If this failed, however, all hope was lost. Right now, though, you had to keep your focus on Barton. Losing him, again, was not an option.

"Alright Clint," Bruce starts pushing buttons and switches; the machine Tony and Rocket had built making loud whirring noises, but you keep your eye on Barton and ignore it. "We're going in 3...2...1..." A helmet snaps over his head and he immediately disappears. You knew it would only be seconds until Bruce pulled him back, but they drag by; especially for you and Nat, who are both holding your breath.

Almost as soon as he was gone, Barton was back, the helmet snapping off his head to reveal his laboured breathing. You run up to help him as he almost collapses, but Nat beats you, holding his head up. "Hey, hey. Look at me. You ok?" Barton's eyes are glassy, like he's been crying. When he meets your and Tony's eyeline he throws a baseball mitt in Tony's direction.

"Yeah," He smiles. "It worked."

You and Nat help him to his feet, laughing at the sight of Scott handing him orange slices. The three of you sit for a whole, talking about Barton's trip to the past. At one time, talking about Laura and the kids would have killed him, but now you all had the same spark of hope in your hearts. Anything was possible.

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