Chapter 32 - Let This Day End

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The party was due to start soon; the Avengers' triumph over HYDRA, but you weren't interested in that. Still feeling the frustration from your argument with Sam and Steve, you decide to hit the gun range, located at the basement of Stark Tower, or should you say Avengers Tower. Thankful that no-one else is around to distract you; you jump straight in.

Firing away at countless targets, you're impressed slightly by the layout Stark has prepared here; no doubt heavily influenced by Nat and Hill. But not impressed enough to stop feeling the anger that had brought you down here. "One last clip," you tell yourself, "Then I'll go get ready." Steadying yourself, shoulders pulled back, you look at the ground and take a deep breath - determined that this will be the best round for you - but when you look up at the target you're frozen.

It's Madame B - standing there, with her trophy grin, gesturing at you to take the shot. On instinct, you raise your gun and shoot - the bullet travelling right through her; just a hallucination. You close your eyes and shake your head. When you open your eyes again, this time it's The Winter Solider, starting to take a slow strut towards you, gun raised at your head. Again on instinct you take a shot - and once again the image becomes distorted, but he doesn't disappear. In frustration you fire a few more bullets, leaving one last one in the clip.

Closing your eyes again just as the soldier gets close to you; you take a deep breath and open them once more. This time it's Barnes - dressed exactly how he was the last time you saw him. "Just stay away." His voice barely a whisper. Not being able to help yourself, you raise the gun once again ready to take the shot - questioning whether this is all real or not - when you fire the gun jams. It's enough to make you break - you pull your knife out, jump over the booth and stride towards Barnes; his image evaporating as soon as you get close. Anger encompassing you, you slash at the air, getting the human silhouette target in the process.

"What did that ever do to you?" A voice rings out; without even looking you throw your knife in the location of the sound - when you hear it hit something you finally turn around and see Nat standing at the booth where you were - knife lodged barely an inch away from her face, impacting in the wooden frame beside her. "I've missed you too." She grins, pulling the knife out and placing it down.

"What do you want Nat?" You shrug, looking over at the shredded target on the floor, before bending down to pick up the pieces.

"To see if you were ready," she sighs, jumping up and sitting on the booth - dressed up, ready to party. "You weren't in you room."

"How did you know I'd be here?" You sigh as you walk over to her, jumping over an unoccupied booth and throwing the rubbish away, before grabbing your gun. You'd need to clean it.

"I spoke to Steve," she picks up your knife, lightly stabbing the woodwork with the tip and twirling it. "And Sam. They're worried about you."

"They shouldn't be," you sigh, facing her. She jumps down and walks towards you; wiping your face with her hand; you hadn't realised you had been crying. In frustration you swat her hand away, before wiping the rest of them on your sleeve and heading out of the gun range.

"Don't block me out Sasha," she calls after you. "What the hell is going on with you?"

"I need to get ready for the party," but she catches up with you, grabbing your arm and pulling you to face her. Hand on hips and staring at you. "Fine, I'm not ok. I need to find Barnes," You whisper just in case there are ears listening. "But Cap and Sam think it's a dead end; that I should give up."

"But you can't" she sighs, crossing her arms. "And you won't." You nod in response. "Maybe he doesn't want to be found." She says after a pause, making your shake your head in annoyance and start to walk off again.

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