Chapter 28 - 41st Floor

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Washington, 2014

As you make your way through the park located at the edge of the Triskelion, the painkillers for your shoulder are starting to wear off, but you're determined to see this through. The building is awash with people: HYDRA agents waiting for the launch, ready to shape the world in their image; SHIELD agents going about their daily routine, thinking they're preparing to save the world. It was going to be harder than you thought.

Surprisingly you don't encounter any problems, following Hill's directions as you make through the service entrance and head towards the Helicarrier bay, finding the correct communication tower. "Take a break boys," you and Hill point your guns at the two technicians who were manning it, letting Steve and Sam tie them up while Hill takes over the computer. You stand ground at the door, watching for any sign of company.

"It's ready Cap," Hill moves aside as Steve takes over the microphone.

"Attention all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days, but I think it's time you know the truth. SHIELD isn't what we thought it was. HYDRA has taken over, Pierce is their leader." He takes a pause, letting the information sink in, hoping that he would get through to some of the people down there. "STRIKE and Insight crew are part of it, and I don't know how many more. They could be standing right next to you. It was HYDRA that took out Fury; and it's not going to end there."

As Steve goes on with his speech, you feel tears coming to your eyes. You could imagine how all the genuine SHIELD agents must be feeling right now, knowing that all their hard work had been a lie; that they had been working for the enemy. You'd been through it twice now, and it wasn't any easier. "I know that I'm asking a lot. The price of freedom is high, but it's one I'm willing to pay. If I'm the only one, then so be it." Steve looks over at you, moving over to Sam and then Hill. "But I'm willing to bet I'm not." You nod in resolution; you were following Cap's orders now, no matter what.

"Did you write that down, or was it off the top of your head?" Sam breaks the tension, making you smile. Even Steve breaks into a little grin, before getting ready to leave. As you're about to follow, he stops you.

"Not you, you need to stay here with Hill."

"Not happening Steve..."

"She needs back up." he rests a hand on your injured shoulder again. You don't give in to the pain, but Steve sees it in your eyes. "Nat might need it too. Besides, it's safer if you stay here. Just in case..." You grab onto his arm, frustrated but understanding what he was saying. He didn't want you anywhere near where Barnes might be: Steve was the only one strong enough to take him down.

"Just bring my wingman back," you nod in Sam's direction. "Preferably in one piece." Steve nods walking off. Sam shakes his head before placing a gentle kiss on your forehead.

"You can't get rid of me that easily Sasha," Sam laughs before running off after Steve. You take one last look at both of them, before joining Hill at the computer. She lets out a little chuckle, making you smile and laugh a little with her.

"Now that is adorable!" she says, before turning her attention back to the launch.

"Shut up Hill," you smile, before nerves completely take over you again; hoping that this plan works.


You can only sit and listen as the battle goes on. HYDRA managed to get the Helicarriers launched, and now Steve and Sam were fighting their way onto them to insert the data chips. You've also switched over to listen to Nat while she's confronting Pierce and the Security Council. Part of you wished you were there to take that son of a bitch down; but she was doing this for you, just like Steve, keeping you as far away from HYDRA as she could.

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