Chapter 2 - Like Any Other Target

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In the dingy little hotel room you started looking through the folder, the only light source being a combination of the dull TV screen and the crackling fire. The powers that be had done their research on all things Stark. From his father Howard's successful work during World War Two, through to his death, right up to Stark's current work itinerary. But even loaded with all this information, getting close to Stark was not going to be easy. The Ten Rings had managed to capture him, with the help of Stane, but they were an ensemble unit. You were alone, and by the looks of things, seriously outnumbered.

You switch the TV to CNN, knowing that the hearing would be coming up soon. You needed to study Stark in person, and right now that was as close as you were going to get.

While Stark wasn't the largest man in the room, the sheer glow of his ego was on full display. But that wasn't the only thing that drew your attention. The head of the committee, a Senator Stern, had a familiar face. You couldn't quite place where or when you had met him, but there was something there. You shook it off. Stark was the target.

"We'd now like to call on our resident weapons expert and government contractor, Justin Hammer." Stern announced to the room. Flashlights cascaded as the man walked to the floor. You couldn't help but notice that this man was trying to emulate everything Tony Stark was. The designer three-piece suit, the glasses, even the haircut. The ultimate fanboy. You watched Stark's reaction to this wannabe doppelganger.

"While I acknowledge the presence of Mr Hammer, I am still waiting on any sign of what you would call an expert." Stark's comment sent giggles around the room, and while Hammer let a smile cross his face, you could tell that his teeth were grinding behind it. There was clearly a conflict here.

While the hearing went on, Hammer went on to show just how desperate he was. The arrogance on this man was enough to rival Stark, you wondered how there was enough room for both men as well as the swell of public and political attaché's. Finally the senator brought out Colonel James Rhodes, a move that seemed to startle Stark. For the first time in the entire hearing, he showed some sort of vulnerability. Looking back at the dossier, you understood why. Childhood friend giving evidence against him; you took note at the intrusion, wondering if it would be of any benefit.

The hearing came to a somewhat dramatic end, after Stark exposed that not only were America's enemies trying (and failing) to come up with a rival to Iron Man, but so was Justin Hammer. Clearly irked by Stark's attitude, and blatant disregard for the proceedings, you laughed as Stern told Stark to fuck off. Despite the ego, and the fact that you were going to have to kill this man, you admired the way Stark handled his business.


A few days later, and you were still trying to work out the best way to get close to Stark. Trying to get to the US wasn't impossible, but not easy. You had a few American contacts that could make arrangements, but it would be better not to get too many people involved. The less they knew the better, especially since you had already decided this was going to be your last mission.

There were a few functions Stark was supposed to attend in Europe, always easier to make your way through. Less stringent border controls. There were charity fundraisers, galas, even a Grand Prix in Monaco, but which would be easier to infiltrate. You couldn't help but second guess every decision you made, maybe it was because this was the biggest mission you had to undertake, or maybe it was because you didn't actually want to kill this man.

The latest headlines about Stark Industries weren't helping. Stark had just promoted his assistant, Pepper Potts, as the new CEO. A move many were questioning, as were you, but for obviously different reasons. The man you had studied over the last week didn't seem the type to just throw in the towel, so the move was one that baffled you. You also couldn't help but notice that recent photographs of Stark showed a severe dulling in the eyes of the egotistical billionaire. You wondered what was going on behind the scenes.

"Take emotion out of the equation, Sasha." You scolded yourself. "He is like any other target, nothing more than a means to an end. A thorn in our side," you recalled Madame B's words. You take one more look at his itinerary; you needed to get this job done ASAP. You throw the dossier and the folder in the fireplace, finally making your decision.


Little did you know that Ivan Vanko was already on his way there.

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