Chapter 49 - The Accords

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The meeting room is thick with tension when you and Sam walk in. Nat tries to catch your eye but you avoid her gaze; noticing that the only empty seat is next to Steve you reluctantly sit down while Secretary Ross continues.

"The world owes the Avengers an unpayable debt. You have fought for us, protected us, risked your lives. But while a great many people see you as heroes, there are some, who would prefer the word 'vigilantes'"

"What word would you use Mr Secretary?" Both you and Nat say at the same time, making you finally meet her eyeliner. While she gives you a wry smile, you sharply look away, anywhere but at her.

"How about dangerous?" Ross barks out, drawing your attention back to him. As he struts around the room, images display up on the big screen of the Avengers fighting Loki in New York; helicarriers crashing in Washington; the devastation that you watched on the news in Sokovia. As the video of what happened in Lagos comes into view you see Wanda twitch.

"Okay," You snap, Steve and Sam nodding. "That's enough." You don't pay much attention to what Ross says next, your eyes fixated on Wanda. You can see the guilt flooding her body and you can't help but relate; letting memories of your history flood over you.

"117 countries have approved." Ross steals your attention back as he slides the heavy set paper file on the table, sliding it over to Rhodey. "The Avengers shall no longer be a private organisation. You will now operate under supervision of a UN panel. They'll decide when your power is necessary."

Silence floods the room as you try and gauge the feeling of everyone sitting around you. The only person not looking at anyone is Tony; his eyes glued to the floor. This was a big major decision; but currently the only thing on your mind is how your going to get back to Bucky.

"The Avengers were formed to make the world a safer place," Steve pipes up. "I feel we've done that."

"Tell me Captain Rogers, do you know where Thor and Banner are right now? If I misplaced a couple of 30 metaton nukes you can bet there'd be consequences."

"So they're not people. They're weapons." You can't help but snap, meeting Ross' eye; his face turning up into a large smirk.

"You'd know all about that Volkova." Ross stares back. "Believe me, this is the middle ground." He heads towards the exit. "Three days from now the UN meets in Vienna to ratify the Accords. Talk it over."

"And if we come to a decision you don't like?" Nat asks as she flicks through the file.

"Then you'll retire." Ross stops and turns back towards you. "Not an option for you I'm afraid Miss Volkova." He points to the file now sitting tentatively in Nat's hands, reluctantly she slides it over towards you. "Due to your history with HYDRA, and your apparent sabbatical this past year, you name's not on it. But there's still time."

Despite your name not attached to it, you can't help but leaf through the pages. It's a concise and somewhat diplomatic approach but you can't help but feel your stomach churn at the fact that you've been left off it, as well as something else. Guilt? Fear?

Catching sight of Steve watching you, you quickly throw it over to him before heading towards the exit. Your mind is made up: it's now or never, and Bucky is waiting.

"Are you even listening to any of this Volkova?" Tony yells, finally catching your attention. You had caught snippets of what people were saying; mostly the room had been divided. The biggest shock of all had been when Nat had agreed to it. For the first time since she'd 'kidnapped' you she hadn't been able to meet your eye.

"I don't think I'm part of this conversation Stark. Or are you missing the point that my name isn't on there. It doesn't apply to me."

"And that doesn't bother you?" Sam asks but you shrug it off; Sam being the only person in the room to see it does bother you.

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