Chapter 63 - Cut Off One Head

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It had been just over 7 years since you had left, but, from the outside at least, the building looks exactly the same. The woods surrounding the building have overgrown, making it easier for the three of you to sneak into; not one of you noticing the solitary camera following your every move.

"So remind me, what is it we're doing here again?" Sam asks, just as you manage to slip into the entrance hall. You can't reply to him; suddenly you're frozen as a wave of memories flows over you. Visions of your younger self, as well as many others, walking through these hallways only to be met with Madame B.

You can feel the pain from all the fights rush through your body; almost every injury you'd ever had had been retraced over your body. The sounds follow next, echoing in your mind: fighting, crying, but worst are the screams. Despite being terrified to, you close your eyes; as though you were shutting the door to escape the memories, but if anything, it made it worse.

"Sasha," A hand placed on your back brings you back to the now. "We're right here." You open your eyes to look at Sam, kneeling beside you. You hadn't even registered you'd fallen to your knees. "Come back from where you went."

"Sorry." You mumble, wiping your face and standing again. "We need to find the basement." You brush Sam off and storm on ahead. As he tries to chase after you, Steve pulls him back.

"We need to let her take the lead on this one Sam."

"I don't think she's up to this particular mission Steve, whatever it is." Sam snips.

"And we'll be there for her if she needs us, until then we gotta take a back seat." He grips Sam's shoulder before following after you, making sure to keep his distance.

As you make your way through the building, you notice the chaos that SHIELD, or whoever, had left in their take down. Papers, furniture and rubble is strewn wherever you walk.

Retracing your steps, you look in every doorway. You'd never been to the basement, but you'd heard enough about it to work out its location. And this was where T'Challa, or Ayo's, information had said you would get the answers you need.

"I didn't realise this place was so...." Sam starts, catching up with you as you stop at a certain room. The only one with the door firmly closed.

"Morbid." You answer for him, but he catches the slight smile you have.

"I was going to say beautiful, despite the things I know went on here."

"I never noticed its beauty," You tentatively touch the door handle, not sure what you'll see inside, but also knowing at the same time. "It was a prison for me."

Sam places a hand over yours, fingertips brushing over your wrists. The gesture sends both comfort and dread through you; but it gives you the strength to open the door. "What the hell is..." Sam starts, taking a step inside while Steve stands shoulder to shoulder with you.

"The surgery," You reply, feeling the tears run down your face at the sight of the white walls, followed by the metal gurney in the middle of the room. "This is where they made me a woman." You can't help but feel the same fear, and panic you felt back then; on your 'graduation' ceremony.

Steve's hand find yours while Sam looks around. So far it was the only room that was still pristine. Finally Sam's eyes meet yours. "This is where they were going to give you the serum?" You nod, letting out a deep breath and giving Steve's hand a squeeze.

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