Chapter 79 - Oh God...

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The fight takes its toll. The combined strength of warriors on your side was beginning to fatigue and the creatures were managing to take hold. The spear had had it's uses but you find yourself having to stow it away and resort back to using guns. Despite being seemingly crude beasts they had been able to seperate your strongest members, making it tough to keep track of where everyone is.

You just manage to catch a glimpse of a group of them taking down the massive Hulkbuster armour and make your way over to help Bruce when a hoard of them knock you on your back. Even with the wind knocked out of you you're able to get hold of your spear and use it as a barricade to all those gnashing, fierce teeth aiming for you. Suddenly, a large beam of light lands near the edge of the fight, making everyone, including your attackers stop and turn to look at it.

An axe flies through the air, electrifying all the monsters, not touching anyone else. It could only be one person; someone you hadn't spoken to since New York, someone Bruce had told you Thanos had killed. The god himself: Thor.

The sight of him at the crest of the light breaks a huge smile on your face. As he charges towards the hoard still working their way through the barrier you take the first chance you've had to scout the field for your friends. When your eyes finally lock onto Bucky you make your way over to him; using the spear to take out a creature that was trying to attack him from behind. "Stick with me Sarge, the reinforcements have just arrived." A curt nod is all you receive in return as you both knuckle down and keep fighting; you had to keep fighting.

As you both fight on a voice you don't recognise starts roaring. "Come and get some space dogs! Come on!" In your adrenaline fuelled haze at first all you see is a ball of fur, similar to the one that had appeared right at the same time as Thor. When you really focus you notice it's a raccoon - and it's firing a gun at the creatures; with all this going on you simply shrug, it wasn't the strangest thing you had ever seen in your life, and that was saying something. Thankfully Bucky isn't so fazed and manages to grab the raccoon by the scruff of the neck, swinging it round - both of them shooting down as much as they can before they can be overrun again.

Just as you think you've managed to turn the tide, another blow comes; this time in the form of giant machines that have dug through the earth to overcome the barrier protecting Wakanda; they're headed straight for a group of Wakandans who won't see them as they're too busy fighting to survive. Before you can shout over a wave of power, coloured red moves the machines along- stopping them dead in their path. Wanda had left Vision to join you on the battlefield.

You can hear Nat shouting at her to get back to Vision, while at the same time your Kimoyo beads start to go off. "They've broken through Wolf," You can hear Ayo shouting at you before letting out a battle cry, not before the telltale signs of Shuri shouting in the background. You catch Bucky's attention and he knows you're going to try and help them; you had to. You try and find a safe route to the palace but you were miles off, it would take every bit of strength you could muster to get there.

"Uh, guys. We've got a Vision situation," you hear Sam in your ear. With a quick glance to Shuri's lab you can just make out a red blur come flying from the window. You keep your head down and continue to fight your way back to the city; not knowing if you could make any difference now that the plan to get Vision seemed to be succeeding. Okoye and Nat grab your attention; the blue haired woman was making an advance on Wanda and had managed to take her out from behind. Being closer to her than them you manage to propel yourself in their direction instead, swallowing down what fear you had for Shuri and Ayo.

"He'll die alone. As will you," You just manage to hear her voice as she threatens to kill Wanda. As she threatens to bring her blade down you manage to block it with your spear, surprising her.

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