Chapter 74 - Let It Burn

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Wakanda, a few weeks later

The dust had settled after Killmonger. It had been an epic battle, lives had been lost, wills had been broken but slowly and surely the country was starting to come back into it's own. T'Challa hadn't spoken much about what had actually happened with Killmonger, but you could see the pain and the guilt slipping through his usually smiling facade.

Progress had been made in restoring those parts of the country that had suffered the worst of the fighting. You got stuck in, helping as much as you could; this was your new home, you may not have fought for it but you'd be damned if you weren't going to help pick up the pieces. And despite a terse conversation between you and Bucky about him going back into the ice there had been little conflict in your new status as 'friends'.

When the time had deemed right T'Challa had sat down with you both and discussed the ways they could try to help. Determined at first to wipe those trigger words from his head, Bucky had asked for seclusion, in case the worst should happen. Ayo, standing guard, nodded with his reasoning, shutting your objections down completely. So here you all were, sitting in the middle of a field at night, only the campfire signalling the meeting of five.

"I don't want to alarm you Sergeant Barnes," T'Challa's voice turns to a whisper after setting our their plan; a slight hesitation laced there. "But I think we should start with this." Gingerly he pulls out the red book - the one you remember Zemo using in Berlin. Bucky's entire form tenses, tears threatening before you place a hand over his.

"My instruction manual," Bucky tries to play off the stress, but all he receives is a sympathetic look from everyone. "You think this is going to have all the answers."

"It's every detail in how they made Him," T'Challa stands, walking to the centre of the circle in which your all sitting around. He gestures to Bucky to stand, who does so nervously, before handing him the book. "The only people aware of it's existence and contents are in this circle." T'Challa places a hand on his own chest before pointing to you, Ayo and Shuri. "And we will use it to help YOU. We've studied it, analysed it. But it's journey is now up to you."

Unsure of what he's actually saying Bucky turns and looks to you. You stand and take a place on his left, placing a hand on his shoulder and smiling. "Either you keep it Buck, as a reminder of the past." Hesitating slightly before running a hand over it's cover you meet his eyes again, once again picking up on the watery eyes. "Or you throw it into the fire and let HYDRA's last hold on you burn."

"What about you?" He looks between you and the book. "Those words can affect you too?" Once again you can't help but smile before brushing the hair from his face.

"If it was me, I'd let it burn. But this is about you Buck. Always has been." He looks at you with pleading eyes, willing you to give him an answer. But you don't. You pat his shoulder again before sitting down, T'Challa joining you. Bucky stands frozen, his eyes shifting now between the book and the fire. You can almost see the cogs, shifting in his brain.

"What if it doesn't work?" He asks, unsure if the plan Shuri and Ayo have will work. "What if I..."

"I swear to you Sergeant Barnes," Ayo cuts him off. "I will not let you hurt anyone." You nod, knowing this would be at the forefront of his mind. "I will not let you harm her."

With a deep heavy sigh, Bucky takes one last glance at you, before turning to Ayo and nodding. Before you can even think, he throws the book onto the fire; standing silently watching it burn before you notice his shoulders start to shake. You immediately run to his side again, letting him wrap an arm around you while the tears fall, from you both.

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