Chapter 97 - That Is America's Ass!

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It was the craziest rollercoaster ride you'd ever been on. One second you're standing on the platform, the next your body is hurled through the quantum realm, landing surprisingly elegantly in a random alley in New York. You're barely able to catch your breath before your eyes focus on the scene in front of you; the battle for New York rages on.

You barely hear Steve calling out the plan again, too focused on the sound of the Chitauri rampaging through the city, let alone the fact that you've gone back in time; almost 11 years had passed since that day and you still thought about it often.

Steve manages to grab your attention, but once again you're distracted by the familiar roar of Hulk, as he makes a loud and raucous appearance. You simply pat Bruce's arm as he hides his face with embarrassment; old Bruce would be bright red by now, you wonder if this version of himself can blush. "Go on big guy," You smile. "Have a smashing time!"

"Very funny." He groans before making his way to Bleecker Street for the time stone; making a pathetic attempt to punch a car before lightly throwing a motorbike against a wall with a sheepish roar. You can't help but roll your eyes at the display, making Tony laugh.

Finally on your way, head still swimming over seeing your past life in front of you, rather than a tortured memory, Tony leads you all to a secret entrance into what was currently Stark Tower. Scott miniaturises himself and joins Tony in the trek up to the penthouse, while you and Steve make your way slowly up the stairwells, waiting on the signal.

Steve catches a glimpse of you pulling at your neckline. "Everything ok?"

"Yeah," You huff, still trying to rearrange yourself. "I just forgot how uncomfortable all this spy shit was until Tony improved it." He smiles briefly before turning and doing the same thing.

"You sure you're up for this?" He asks, surprisingly for the very first time. "I know I'm asking a lot of you here. I can do it if you're not..."

"I'm good Steve," You sigh, leaning against the stairwell. "Besides we know it'll be a lot more believable for me to do it. Sitwell and Rumlow already know who I am." You find yourself running your hands across the dog tags tucked firmly into your chest.

"That's my point," He remains standing tall, shield firmly on his arm. "Knowing what you know about them, you sure you can handle it?"

You can't deny the worry you had had when this part of the plan had come up. It had sent a whirlwind of thoughts through your mind, adding even more 'what ifs' to the ever growing list. Sitwell wasn't so much a problem, he was nothing more than a snivelling rat, not matter how high up he was in Pierce's reign. But Rumlow...

To think that in less than a year after this fight, Rumlow would one of the front runners in Bucky's torture. That he'd help Bucky track down and kill you. It sends a rage right through your body. Taking him out now would save all that pain and anguish; as well as saving those Wakandans in Lagos, saving Wanda from her despair over that accident, and, maybe, stop the Accords from happening.

But Bruce had been emphatic: you couldn't change past events, you couldn't interfere. You had tried to argue that that's exactly what you were doing by plucking the stones from the timeline, especially the sceptre, as it was key to giving Vision life. But no one seemed to want to argue with the logic; and as painful as it was, there was more at stake.

So Rumlow would get to live. You had thought tirelessly of the many ways you could take him out, but stick with Bruce's rules. Besides, killing him in this timeline could mean losing Bucky from your future, and that was a risk you weren't willing to take.

"Sasha, you with me?" You finally realise you hadn't answered Steve, you'd let your mind wander again.

"I've got this Steve, best behaviour. I promise." You mock salute him, making him laugh slightly, before the sound of Tony enters your ear, signalling for you both to get into your final position.

Whatever It TakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora