Chapter 71 - A Life For A Life

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After clothing T'Challa and feeding all of you, M'Baku and the rest of the Jabari leave you alone to talk. You can see the weariness strewn over Bucky's face so help him sit, blanket covered, to rest; still working his way through his reanimation and the hike up the mountain. Despite it striking your heartstrings seeing him so physically weak, you're glad. The old HYDRA method of bringing him back to full strength was just inhumane, and you hope never to see him go through that again.

"Killmonger has the full support of our military," Nakia continues as you get back to the group, keeping one eye on Bucky. "And he burned the garden of the heart-shaped herb."

"Of course he did," Ross snorts before looking over at you. When T'Challa looks at you for explanation you nod letting Ross continue. "That's what he's trained to do. His unit used to work with the CIA to destabilise foreign countries."

"It's a valid technique T'Challa," You jump in, hoping your experience will help illuminate how dangerous Killmonger could be. "By taking you out he's created a transition of power. People are more inclined to worry at a crisis and look to the quickest answer. In comes someone with the right words, and bam, control of the government, the military..."

"Our resources," T'Challa nods, realising that now Killmonger would want the vibranium first.

"Precisely. And to ensure no revolution comes when the people realise their mistake..."

"He ensures no more Black Panther." Ross finishes. "Hence burning the herb AFTER he consumes it." T'Challa looks between you both, realising he'll get no better answer. Taking a deep breath he turns back to Nakia.

"I need you and Sasha to get them out of Wakanda." He motions to Shuri and Ramonda, both of whom immediately protest. "The challenge has to continue. It is my duty to keep you safe. I'll protest with Lord M'Baku to keep Sergeant Barnes here in Jabari. I swore to you that Wakanda was safe for him Sasha. I intend to keep that promise."

"No." Shuri yells, standing in front of you. "The Black Panther lives. And when he fights for the fate of Wakanda I will be right there beside him." Not surprisingly Nakia agrees; surprisingly so does Ross.

"What? You're gonna need all the help you can get?" Once again he looks at you. "Besides, I owe you and Volkova for saving my life. And believe it or not," he starts to whisper. "She scares me more than M'Baku." Before you can commit to the fight too, Ross pulls you to the side while T'Challa walks over to M'Baku who has returned. "Also, you're, uh, I want you to know..."

"Wow." You laugh. "You've never been short on words Ross." But he smiles.

"I just wanted to answer your question properly. You asked while I saved your life. Truth is, I owed you. I let Klaue get the drop on me in Korea, I easily could have bitten the dust." He shakes his head. "I was still so focused on you being the 'bad guy' I didn't even think about it till later that night. T'Challa had tried to protest your innocence and his," He points to Bucky. "When he brought Zemo, and I wondered why he would forgive you so quickly without really knowing you. I now see why." He rubs his hand down his face. "I figured saving you from that gunfight would make up for Berlin, but you had to go and take it one step further and bring me here and save my life again."

"If you're expecting an apology for that then..."

"No. I owe you an apology. So here it comes. I'm sorry. I was wrong." He lets out a loud huff. "God that was difficult." You smile and nod before he sticks his hands out. "And you're free."


"You're free." He grabs your hand while you stand in shock. "You saved me by bringing me here. So I'll pay T'Challa back by helping him fight and I'll pay you back by letting you go free. I can't call off the hunt for you but if anyone ever finds out I was in Wakanda. I didn't see you." He lets go of your hand and heads off following Shuri and Nakia. "I saw nothing. Nothing at all."

Still shocked from Ross' revelation, you head over to where T'Challa and M'Baku are deep in conversation. "I owed you a great debt. A life for a life. Consider it paid." You catch the end of their conversation, amazingly not that different from the one you've just had with Ross.

"Please, may I ask for one more? Allow my mother and friends to stay here." T'Challa points to you and the still sleeping Bucky. Again before you can state your intention to help him fight T'Challa grabs your hand. "You are not a part of this fight. You've repaid your debts by helping my family. HE is your only mission now."

"No harm will come to them. I give you my word." You're shocked that M'Baku agreed so quickly but you see the intrigue on his face as he studies the interaction. Swallowing down your pride you return to Bucky, sitting down beside him, wondering what comes next.


It had been almost an hour since they had left, by your reckoning they were just making it back to the tunnels. Waking up only briefly so that you could move him to a hut M'Baku had offered. Leaving him to sleep once more, you sit outside - giving him the peace to sleep and yourself the time to gather your thoughts.

Like every other occasion in your life you are exhausted, confused and spent. Again like always, the pain had been wiped briefly by the 'resurrection' of T'Challa, however, the fear and guilt of not joining the fight has reopened old wounds. How many times were you going to let this happen? How much more could your mind and heart take? As a gentle snore takes over from the silence, you're brought back to fonder memories. There hasn't been much happiness in your life, but that year in Romania with Bucky had been the most comfortable. You smile, remembering the awkwardness of those first few months, before slowly, little by little both of you had become used to each other's presence. The late nights talking, not necessarily about your past; the gentle feel of his hand on your back, your hand on his knee.

"You have a remarkable smile," Ramonda breaks your daze as she sits beside you, instantly making you drop the smile. "I did not intend to wipe it from your face. It's rather becoming."

"It's inappropriate," You reply, shaking your head. "Until we have new there's nothing to smile about."

"Look at me," you turn to and see the smile on her face. "I have my son back. Should I still be grieving? Shouldn't I allow myself the pleasure of a smile." As you stammer your reply she lets out a snigge. "I tease." She turns her head to the light snoring coming from the hut. "He makes you smile. It's an admirable trait to have."

"If only it was that simple," You snort before apologising for your tone.

"I don't know your full story Wolf. But my children speak highly of you. As does Nakia. Okoye is wary but she hasn't tried to kill you yet, so that's something." You manage to let out a smile, and you receive one in return. "There is no one I trust more in the whole world than them, so to me that means your heart is in the right place."

A small whine comes from the hut, setting you on edge slightly. This could be the precursor to a bad nightmare, but sometimes the thrashing and screaming wouldn't arrive. Mindful to keep an ear out, you turn back to the conversation. "Apologies your majesty, but even if that's true, my whole life has been a shambles. Especially when I try to put my heart in the right place."

"Ah, but the point is you tried. No one in life is perfect. Tell me. Why did you come back to Wakanda?" Another whine comes from the hut, making you stand, ready to run in if the screaming started. "It wasn't just a safe place to hide, it wasn't because T'Challa offered." Ramonda stands beside you as you stare at the hut door. "It was because this is where your heart is. There may be a fight ahead yet, so take what time you have left and use it. Otherwise they're fighting for nothing. " She walks away, her words slowly bleeding through your mind.

She was right. For months you had been imagining what you would say. What you would have to say to convince Bucky this was worth fighting for and despite everything that had happened you still had that chance. You had promised Steve, Sam and T'Challa and now Ross had given you a free pass. There was still the risk that Wakanda was lost, which meant only one thing: it was now or never.

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