Chapter 86 - Love Always Fails Us

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Unsurprisingly you find your former home untouched; the horror stories from the locals of a ghosts visiting the halls was enough to deter any would be looters. The journey through the building is also a lot less emotionally treacherous than last time. Except for Barton, he quietly steps behind you, much like Sam and Steve did all those years ago; knowing what went on here, but still unsure of what to expect.

Effortlessly you make your way to Madame B's office, full of determination and anger rather than the bag of nerves you were the last time. You stop only briefly to pick up the shattered photo frame still containing the photo of you can't even think the word without bile rising in your throat. But for some reason you fold the photo and store it in your jacket before launching the frame across the room, sending an echo that reverberates around the large abandoned building.

Barton, a small part of him wanting to turn back, is silent as you head down to the basement. He swore to you he would help, he's never regretted anything more than right now. You can feel the hesitance radiating from him, but you push on. Nothing was going to stop you now.

Even though you warned him what was potentially coming, the darkness alongside the sound of the computer sets Barton's nerves on edge. The echoey sound of laughter stops him completely in his tracks and you have to urge him to go on.

"I knew it Fraulein," Zola's voice still has it's arrogance. "I knew it was only a matter of time before you returned. Did you come to finish the job? The one your precious Captain wouldn't let you." The small camera attached to the screen moves from you to Barton, almost waiting for an attack. "And you brought another visitor. My my, your list of admirers ever grows." The arrogance eventually gives way to anger. "Your mother would be ashamed.

"What do you care Zola?" You scoff, trying to remain calm. "You had her killed."

"Remorseful are we?" Zola laughs. Once again you have to swallow down the bile. "She failed us, just like you. You will meet your end eventually."

"Not before you meet yours," Barton yells, taking a stand in front of you. You place your hand on his arm before he can draw his katana; catching his eye briefly through his hooded face.

"Oh, him I like." Zola laughs again; the camera looking Barton up and down, almost scanning him. "I believe a thank you is in order Mr Barton. Without you we would have never achieved our ends with Miss Volkova here."

Barton looks at you confused; not only did Zola see through his mask and know who he was, but when you'd told him all about Belarus, and what happened to you here you had failed to mention that it had all started when Nat had left with him. That that moment had been when HYDRA knew they had to, and could, break your mind. Even though you still felt that this wasn't the Clint Barton you knew, the man was carrying enough guilt.

"It's a shame she turned out to be a failure too, just like her mother." Zola sighs, the camera panning back to you. "Get on with it Widow. The time has come for the last remnant of HYDRA to fade into the abyss. It started with me and Herr Schmidt, it is only right that it should die with me."

Finally Zola has given you an opening to what you want. "It doesn't have to be." You're not sure if you're imagining it, but the screen seems to brighten. "It can end with me."

"What kind of foolery is this?" Zola asks after a quiet spell. "Do you expect me to believe you would switch sides again? I may be over 100 years old, but I am no fool."

Whatever It TakesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora