Chapter 47 - Lagos

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Surprisingly, you arrive in Lagos before the team; arranging to meet up at a hotel rather than the airport, you get settled in, simply waiting on what would be a tense reunion, while also keeping an eye on the local police station, just in case Rumlow turns up out of nowhere. Whilst peering out the window, a knock on the door startles you; even more so when the face of Wanda Maximoff appears next to Nat.

"What's this?" You question as Nat barges in, Wanda, Steve and Sam following. "I thought I said you were to come alone?"

"You're not the only one with unfinished business here Sasha," Nat explains, before grabbing you for a close hug; one you reciprocate, appreciating the warmth where you both used to hide it. "And hello to you too by the way." Steve gives you a quick nod, before Sam tentatively nudges your arm.

"Hey you," He smiles, before you grab him and wrap him in a huge hug. "God I've missed you." He laughs as he tightens the hug.

"Missed you too Wingman," You laugh before turning to Wanda. "I guess introductions are needed."

"Not really, Sam talks about you all the time." Wanda lets out a nervous chuckle before extending her hand. "Wanda." You can't help but admire her thick Sokovian accent, but you couldnt help but be wary of her; all you knew about her was what you had read in HYDRA files, so a part of you was wary. Seemed hypocritical, but you couldn't help it nonetheless.

"Sasha." You smile as you shake her hand. "How you finding it on the other side then?" Wanda awkwardly looks around at Nat and Sam. "It's fine, I'm teasing you." You grab your bag and start pulling out all the information on Rumlow. "Let's get on with it shall we?"


While Wanda and Nat stakeout the local area around the police station, Sam was perched on a rooftop close by and you were stuck with Steve in your hotel room. "You sure about this intel Sasha?" Steve asks, taking a small look out the window while Nat and Wanda are talking about their surroundings over comms.

"100%" Your tone is quiet and stern; on edge slightly at the prospect of a fight about to happen, but wary that Steve was going to question you about Bucky. You wished you had went to the rooftop with Sam.

"You guys know I can move things with my mind, right?" Wanda interjects, bringing you back to the conversation going on.

"Little bit advice, new girl. Looking over your shoulder needs to become second nature. Especially for people like us." You regret your tone when Steve sharply looks at you, but Wanda was going to have to learn it somehow.

"Anyone ever tell you you're a little paranoid?" Sam chuckles slightly.

"Eyes on target folks," Steve jumps in. "This is the best lead on Rumlow in six months. I don't wanna lose him." A large truck rumbles past the hotel; a little too loudly, engine sounding like it was struggling.

"Sam, see that garbage truck?" You question. As he uses the new technology from his suit to scan the truck he admits that it's at full weight, and the driver is carrying a gun. "He's not hitting the police station." You turn to Steve who nods. Quickly you scour your brain; you had scouted every detail of the area, knew every back alley. Suddenly it hits you: the Institute for Infectious Diseases is very close.

"Go now!" Steve yells, jumping out the window and taking off in a blur of red, white and blue. As you scale down the building Nat meets you, a stolen motorbike by her side.

"Glad to have you back." She smiles as you jump on, using the sight of Sam flying overhead as your guide. You simply nod at her as she takes off. You can't help but feel slightly excited by the fact that you were surrounded by friends once again.

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