Chapter 19 - This Is Awkward

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Indian Ocean, 2014

Once completely changed you head onto the cargo plane and set off for the Lemurian Star, Rumlow breaking down what had happened. "Pirates took them about 93 minutes ago," he throws up details of the ship and its contents. "Initial scans show around 20-25, but they're being led by this man." He throws up an image that you're familiar with: Georges Batroc. "Interpol's most wanted."

Rogers lays down the plan: Rumlow and the STRIKE team will head for the hostages; you and Nat will clear the engine room, while he'll take point and clear the upper decks. As you wait patiently to get to your destination, Nat continues to bug you about Wilson. "Just ask him out," she laughs. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Could you give it a rest for one minute? Why are you so focused on me? What about Steve?" He looks at you with resignation.

"Really? Like we don't have more pressing matters to deal with right now?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I've already tried setting up Rogers," Nat sighs, starting to put her parachute, before walking over and fixing yours. "Besides, he's too old fashioned. I'm just trying to get you laid!" She whispers, making you laugh and making Rogers look over at you both again.


It doesn't take long for you and Nat to clear the engine room: the men there aren't exactly equipped to take on either of you solo, let alone the two of you combined. You and Nat turn it into a competition. Just as you take out your last guy, you turn to admit defeat to Nat, who had successfully taken out more, to find she's gone. Trying to get her over comms and failing, you start making your way back up to the top deck, keeping an eye out as you go. "Steve, do you have eyes on Nat?"

"Little busy right now Sasha," he's out of breath. "Is the engine room secure?"

"Aye aye Captain. I'm on my way back to you now." You manage to get to his position seeing him take on Batroc, surprised that the Algerian is managing to stand toe to toe with Rogers. You jump in to help, before Rogers sends both of you flying through the door that leads to the main computer room of the ship. Batroc is knocked out, while you are only slightly winded.

"Well, this is awkward."

You look over to a computer to see Nat working on it, not even meeting your eye. You walk over to see her extracting files from the hard drive, moving them onto a flash drive. You couldn't understand this was a SHIELD ship, why was she hacking it? "What the hell Nat? We're supposed to be here to save the hostages, what the..."

"That was Rogers' mission, and yours. I have other orders." She smirks slightly, removing the flash drive. Rogers grabs her by the arm as she tries to walk away.

"You just jeopardised this entire mission." He argues with her.

"I think you're over exaggerating," she rips her arm from his grasp and walks off, not before Rogers looks at you.

"Did you..." he starts.

"Steve, I had no idea..." But before you can answer he grabs you as Batroc gets up from and throws a grenade in your direction. Pulling you behind his SHIELD Rogers jumps through the nearest window: the landing cracked a few ribs making it hard to breathe, while the glass gave a few small cuts to your face, but it could have been worse. Nat, obviously hearing the explosion, comes running back to see you both, reeling from the blast.

"Ok, that one's on me." She looks embarrassed and remorseful as she walks over to help you both, but Rogers cuts her off, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you up.

"You're damn right," He says as he wraps your arm around his shoulders and leads you out, leaving Nat alone.


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