Chapter 70 - Jabariland

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All of you clamber through the tunnel, following the way by the small light Nakia uses to guide you; the silence is almost unbearable. Nakia leading the way, Shuri and Ramonda follow closely behind her, while you and Ross gingerly guide Bucky through the rocks. With his breathing laboured, and his head almost permanently hanging from his chest, memories of him walking out of that Siberian bunker fill your mind. It takes everything in you to focus on the journey ahead.

Eventually the tunnel gives out to open air and you understand while Nakia had given you all blankets: a vast mountainside lays before you, blanketed in snow. While the wind is strong, it's also refreshing after the stuffiness of the cave you've just exited. "I need a moment," Ramonda finally breaks the silence, before sitting on a rock with Shuri's aid. Nakia thinks briefly before looking at you; you nod. The toll of practically dragging Bucky along was taking a strain, and despite how reassured you were with Wakandan technology, you kept thinking back to the bullet Ross had taken the day before.

With Ross' help you manage to get Bucky gently to the ground, where it seems he dozes off again quickly. Brushing the hair from his face, you press a kiss to his forehead; not caring that Ross' eyes are watching your every move. "Your majesties," you then kneel in front of the Queen Mother and Shuri. "I am so sorry for your loss." You bow your head, but Ramonda tips your chin up so as to meet her eye. No words are spoken but the look on her face is genteel. "Rest assured I will do everything in my power to avenge T'Challa. I owe him, and your country everything." Ramonda pats your cheek.

"I know." She nods back over to Bucky who has started to wake up. "I will call upon you when I need to, until then you have more pressing matters."

"Sasha," Bucky whispers. You gesture to Ross to give you some space. Thankfully he does, reluctantly, checking in with Nakia. "What's going on?" He tenderly places his right hand over yours, helping you finally find your voice.

"It's a long story Buck," Sighing you take your hand away before sitting beside him, ensuring every part of the blanket covers him as he begins to shiver. "But basically Wakanda isn't safe right now. We had to leave. I'm sorry you were woken up earlier than we planned." You take a deep breath. "I know I'm the last person you wanted to see." He looks up at you sharply but you can't meet his eyes, remembering the last words he said to you when you had first arrived.

"The only reason I let you stay was because you could help me sort out the jumble that was in my head. You're nothing but a bad memory."

"I didnt..." Bucky starts but quickly turns his head back down. "I'm sorry." He sniffles, making you drag the blanket further round him. "You don't have to..."

"Conserve your energy Barnes," You try to sound tough but can feel your voice breaking ever so slightly. You had to be strong. No matter what you had promised Steve, things had changed. You couldn't admit the truth anymore: regardless of what happened with Wakanda, Ross was never going to let you walk away free. You and Bucky were over. "I'm not sure how long we still have to travel, so take the break while you can." He grabs your arm as you stand, drawing you to look at him.

"Why are you here then?" He asks, while you do your hardest to keep your face straight. Had being put under confused him again? Had he forgotten your last conversation? Not meeting his eye you pull away gently.

"I promised Steve." Despite the pain in your heart, and the tears threatening your eyes, you march over to where the others are standing, aware that Bucky's eyes are following every move. What you're unaware of is that his own heart is completely broken, and he realises that Steve was right. He regretted pushing you away, and the entire time he had been 'asleep' he had dreamt of you.


Once everyone is ready to continue on, the wind starts to pick up. Surprisingly Bucky had opted to walk for himself. Nakia is still leading the way, with you picking up the rear in case anyone has followed you. All you had is a small dagger, but it's enough. The only problem is that you're following behind Bucky; having to watch every lumbered step he takes pulls you closer and closer to helping him, but you have to be strong. "Where are we going again?" Ross shouts over the wind that's howling around the mountain.

Whatever It TakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora