Chapter 21 - Don't Fight It

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Washington, 2014

"Are you going to tell me what the fuck is going on?" Nat asks for you the third time as you both speed towards the hospital. You've barely said anything since she picked you up from Rogers' floor, just mumbling about the metal-armed man. "Why was Fury at Rogers' apartment? What the hell happened?"

"It's complicated," you whisper. You don't know whether to tell her the truth or not; while you trust Nat with your life, you still don't know whether to tell her. Would Fury have trusted Nat completely? She'd neglected to tell you about her mission on the Lemurian Star; held back from you in New York. Nat had left you behind for SHIELD before, who was to say she wouldn't do it again. You think back to what Fury told Rogers, deciding to forget about it for now.

Nat doesn't respond, concentrating on the drive. As she parks up at the hospital, you both fly out the door, abandoning the car. You meet Rogers on the ward, surprised to see him there before you. As Nat marches through to the operating room to see Fury, Steve places a hand on the small of your back. "It's not looking good Sasha," he starts, "But we need to talk."

"Not now Steve," you push past him to join Nat, and Maria Hill. Fury is on the operating table, doctors and nurses fighting to save his life. "Come on Nick." You whisper, leaning over to grab Nat's hand. She grabs it back, forgetting your conflict for the minute.

"Thought you said he was shot," she asks you. "He looks like he's been through hell."

"He was attacked before that," Hill starts. "Earlier today he was ambushed." She goes on to describe what Fury had been through earlier in the day. He had managed to get word through to her, always trusting Hill more than most. She leans over and whispers in your ear, "He was driving your car Sasha; he was the one who put it in for maintenance." You snap your head round to look at her. "They were after you." She looks at you with a conflicted look; both sympathy and anger. You turn your head to see if Steve or Nat had heard her, but their eyes were locked on Fury.

There's no time for you to begin to comprehend what Hill has just told you, as Fury's heart monitor goes from a dull beat to a long drawn tone. Doctors are working to revive him, but eventually they stop. Fury is gone.


Having organised a private room for you all to say your goodbyes, you hang back beside Steve while Nat and Hill stand with Fury's body. It's just too difficult to say goodbye to him after everything you've been through together. Despite your differences he was the one constant in your life that kept you grounded; you can't believe he's gone. Also you were looking at the footage of the car chase Fury had been in earlier that day, Hill had sent whatever she could find over to you. You were trying to make sense of it all. Looking over at Nat, knowing she's trying to keep it in; trying to keep up that rock steady frame while you know she's breaking inside. You have to leave now.

"Sasha, wait." Rogers comes after you. "Where are you going?"

"I can't stay here Steve," you move closer to him to whisper. "Fury told you they were onto me, I need to get as far away from this as possible, before it's Nat, or you on that slab."

"And Fury told you to stick with me, I can help you..."

"Did you get the shooter?" He shakes his head. "Then I have to go to ground, he knew my car, he knew I was in your apartment. He'll know I'm here too." You move to take the flash drive from your bra, Rogers giving you confused look when you hand it to him. "This is all the information from the Lemurian Star, whoever's behind all of this; this will lead you to them. It's safer with you. I haven't had a chance to look at it yet."

"All the more reason to stick with me, technology is not exactly my forte Sasha." As you're about to respond, the door swings open with Nat filing out. You're about to go after her when you catch sight of Rumlow from the corner of your eye, accompanied by the rest of his STRIKE team.

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