Chapter 52 - He Wouldn't

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King T'Chaka was dead, along with 11 others; others had been injured, most of which thankfully were minor cuts and bruises. The worst would be the after effect, it always was. Already news stations throughout Europe and further had been presenting the explosion, you hadn't heard much intel, too busy helping tend to the wounded. Finally stopping to take a breath, you take a seat next to Nat, who had been trying to counsel Prince T'Challa.

"Don't bother Ms Romanoff. I'll kill him myself." As he stands to walk away Nat looks down to the ground.

"Do we know who did this?" You ask, taking another look at the chaos surrounding you. "Someone either against the Avengers, or at least against the Accords. Maybe shouldn't have made it such a public..."

"It was Barnes." Nat's voice is almost a whisper. You instantly freeze, sitting up straight and shaking your head. "Sasha, it was Barnes. He was after you."

"Not possible" You stand, pacing in front of her. Taking out her phone Nat loads up the latest news site. A photo of Bucky is displayed leaving the news van that had spectacularly blown up. His face and his name were sprawled over the screen. "That's not him." You push her hand away. "He wouldn't."

"Keep your voice down." She grabs you. "This is fucking serious Sasha. It's clear as day him. The Winter Soldier."

"Don't you dare fucking call him that," You pull away from her grip. "I don't believe you. Why would he do this?"

"To get to you. You left him..."

"Because of you." You yell, managing to lower your voice as you see people looking over at you both. "No," You shake your head again, feeling the tears creep into your eyes. "No it wasn't him." As you put your hands to your head and continue to pace, Nat's cell rings.

"Just don't move." She sits back down to take the call. "Yeah?" You don't listen to her conversation, walking over to the nearest ambulance, surveying the chaos before you. Keeping yourself within her eyeline you lean against the ambulance and take a deep breath.

Back in New York, before he left for London, Steven had slipped you a cellphone, and thankfully, so far, you had been able to keep it a secret from Nat. Finally the time had come to use it; you manage to sneak it out of your pocket and dial the only person you can. "Sam."

"You ok?"

"I've been better. It's not him Sam, it can't be him." You hear him sigh.

"Steve thinks the same." You can tell he doesn't but right now that's beyond your worry. "You need to tell us where he is, before the taskforce gets to him. Then it'll get ugly." You can't help but remember the dream you had had on the Quinjet back from Lagos; the image of Bucky's bloody body laying on the ground sends shivers down your spine.

"If it was him then he wouldn't have gotten back in time. There's no way he could have or would have done this Sam."

"It's not me you need to convince Sasha." You can tell he's hiding somewhere, his voice is almost a whisper. "Please Sasha, trust me." Taking a deep breath, you know it's the only option you have.

"You and Steve go. Alone. As friends." You keep your answers short and sweet, aware that there are prying eyes on you, including Nat. "You tell him I sent you. You get him out, and you get him somewhere safe." You go on to tell Sam where Bucky and you lived in Bucharest. "I gotta go Sam," You catch Nat watching you more intensely as she continues her phone call.

"Steve's on the call with Nat. Keep calm." You start to look around for sight of Sam. Just seeing him somehow would make things better. "Sharon is going to come and arrest you. Play along. The taskforce think you're an accessory, but she'll keep you safe. Once we get out of this, Steve and I will come for you."

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