Chapter 66 - You've Been Warned

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As you drive the car through the market place of Jagalchi, you can't help but snigger at Okoye as she constantly frets over her wig. "Bast, willing this goes quickly, and I can get this ridiculous thing off my head."

Nakia, who you have only briefly met and you assume has caught the eye of T'Challa, simply laughs as you reach your destination. "Don't worry Okoye. It looks good." She stops to talk to an elderly woman in Korean (one language you hadn't picked up yet) before leading you towards the casino, where Klaue is supposed to be doing the deal.

"If you betray us, if you stray from the plan..." Okoye whispers in your ear.

"I know." You roll your eyes, while T'Challa, picking up on the conversation, despite keeping his eyes on Nakia smiles. "But if I were you I'd concentrate on not looking like a bodyguard and look like you're here on his arm." You give her a small nudge forward to walk side by side with T'Challa. She gives you a scowl before following your lead as all three of you follow Nakia.

The opulence you're met with at the casino is a complete contrast to the poverty you were met with at the market; you stick to T'Challa's side as instructed, despite the constant stare of Okoye (and to an extent Nakia) watching your every move. Staying on the upper levels is important; the larger games are going on below, as is the bar, which is more likely to draw Klaue's attention. From the file you read about him during the whole Ultron debacle, you knew this man was not above flaunting himself.

When Okoye and Nakia travel to the other side of the balcony, so that you have eyes in every part of the casino, you finally depart from T'Challa's arm, heading toward the corner of the room. Unlike yourself and Nakia, who is much more used to undercover work, you can't help but notice the tense stare that Okoye gives each person moving within her vicinity. "You need to smile Okoye." You laugh into comms, hearing nothing but silence from the other end. She stares you down from the opposite side of the room, making a chuckle (one you're assuming is T'Challa) appear in the silence.

You catch sight of Nakia sitting at the bar. "Eyes up. Americans. " She whispers in between ordering a drink. "I count three..."

"Five." Okoye replies. "How could you miss 'greased lightning' there behind you?" You had just clocked them as Nakia had sat down. You look over to where you last saw T'Challa who nods at you before making his way over to you. As you turn your head back to the agents, the sight of someone else sitting at a craps table catches your eye.

"Shit," You whisper. "Make it six. Just spotted an old friend." You nod your head in the direction of him as T'Challa stands beside you. "This just got a whole lot more complicated. I should leave." Taking a tough grip of your shoulder T'Challa starts to walk away.

"Stay here. I'll handle it." You follow his walk as he heads over and sits down next to none other than Everett Ross. "Agent Ross," He remarks quietly but you can just make out there conversation over comms. "I gave you Zemo," T'Challa remarks.

"And didn't I keep it under wraps that the King of a 'third world country' runs around in a bulletproof cat suit. I'd say we were even." He continues to bet, the other gamblers at the table completely unaware of their conversation. "Also there's the small matter of the other fugitives you let go in order to capture Zemo." He barely looks at T'Challa while making another bet. "You really need to leave. Now."

"Klaue is leaving with us." T'Challa catches your eye and raises his glass towards you; Ross follows his gesture and stares blankly at you. There's nothing you can do but stare back, slightly frozen in fear, but more in defiance; both expressions smeared over Ross' face too. "You've been warned." T'Challa heads back to your location, Ross not far behind him, muttering into his earpiece.

"Alright, vibranium from the attack on Sokovia links back to a person that I'm not actually saying I'm here to make a deal with but that deal will not be called off. When the dust settles, you and I can work something out...starting with Volkova here." You can't help but feel the utter disdain in his words as he looks you up and down; you also can't help but see the telltale red marks you had left on his neck from your time together in Berlin.

"I am not here to make a deal." T'Challa's voice is more stern than you've ever heard it as he stands in front of you. "And she is a protected citizen of my country. To even try and extract her from my presence would be considered an act of war. Are you really prepared for that Agent Ross?"

"Your highness," You grab T'Challa's arm, but he shrugs you off. "Maybe we should take this conversation elsewhere." Surprisingly Ross nods, before heading off to underneath a balcony; the most secluded part of the casino floor, where his tact completely runs out.

"So now not only do you have secrets, but you are harbouring fugitives." Ross huffs out. "Who else? Rogers? Wilson? Barnes?"

"All unaccounted for." T'Challa says with a poker face; one you're glad that you've managed to master too. "Miss Volkova was a key player in securing Zemo's conviction. Without the testimony of Stark who else was going to believe me." Ross' nerves start to get the better of him; in fact it's the first time he has shown you this weakness. You can't help but smirk slightly as he rubs his neck, remembering your last interaction.

"A stalemate then..." Ross starts, before his eyes are drawn to the entrance of the casino. Nakia then whispers in both your ears.

"Klaue. Plus eight." Instantly you and T'Challa walk away from Ross; you link your arm through T'Challa's, ensuring that his face is not seen by any of Klaue's men. This was why he had brought you; with all your training and experience, even you could help hide a king.

"Your highness." Nakia starts again. "We need to make a move on Klaue."

"Negative." You whisper back, smiling up at T'Challa to keep the pretence up. "We can't afford to have a shoot out here."

"There's no weapons allowed in here." Okoye replies.

"Didn't stop us." You stare up at her as he marches past on the floor above you. "And they're packing too. You can't afford to have your King involved in a public scene without his suit." You nudge T'Challa slightly. "And I can't be seen."

"I know." He nods. "If I'd have known about the CIA I would have asked you to stay. But we may still have a shot. Keep your eyes open." You try to steer T'Challa towards Ross but stop as Nakia again argues about grabbing Klaue. While you keep an eye on Ross, trying to work out the conversation you shut out the sound of Okoye and Nakia arguing in Xhosa.

Suddenly Klaue and Ross' attention are drawn to the balcony above the bar. The fight breaks out before you can say anything; Okoye and Nakia are taking on Klaue's men. As one of them lands harshly on the craps table in front of you, you immediately make your way to grab Klaue. Immediately recognising T'Challa, Klaue pulls a gun and tries to shoot Ross; instinct kicks in and you push him to the ground.

"This changes nothing Volkova," He yells over the melee, trying to grab your arm as you scout around the chaos looking for any sign on T'Challa, Nakia or Okoye. "You're still coming with me!"

"I don't think so," You manage to completely pull away from him and run towards the fight, but it's hard to distinguish who's fighting who. There are those running away from the gun shots, those jumping into the fight for no reason, but no sign of the Wakandans. As you make your way back up the balcony you find yourself being tailed by three guys in suits; Ross has given up on Klaue and is tailing you. "Dumb ass." You say under your breath before they make a move.

"Sasha," T'Challa finally shouts in your ear. "We're on Klaue. Stay away from Ross. Do not engage. Just get out. We'll find you." You quickly knock the two stooges that Ross had sent sprawling across the floor before running as quick as you can back to the streets.

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