Chapter 99 - Everyone Comes Home

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Like most of this plan, you'd all had to step aside to let the science bro's, as well as their new found adoption in Rocket, get on with the bulk of the work. Every now and then you would jump in, just checking on progress, or ensuring they'd taken a break, but you wanted to keep as far away from those stones as you could. There was something about the amount of power they held that still frightened you, rightfully so.

In the couple days that pass while they're working on the gauntlet, you refer back to old routines to keep your mind active, especially after the loss you'd taken to achieve your goals. But this time, you include Barton, not letting him sit on the sidelines like he did before. Training with Ayo had always helped you clear out the anger and guilt that had come with loss, so you hoped that it would help. You'd also tried contacting Raynor, but Barton had refused to 'talk' to anyone else.

But his aggression, and frustration, were slowly starting to make way to acceptance; you can't imagine how you would feel if you had been in his position, and had to watch someone you cared for, essentially sacrifice themselves, but you're glad he's making progress. Although you do feel somewhat of a fraud, as when you're alone, all you do is dwell on the loss heavily. Thankfully, with Raynor's help, and the possibility of the plan finally coming to fruition, those old wounds remain closed, showing no scenes of you wanting to return to other methods you'd used to cope.

Steve was the one that was the most absent. Thor was often seen mulling about the compound, some what complaining to himself; you wish he would give you the chance to talk to him, but he averts your eye every opportunity he gets. Rhodey is always walking around, but more upbeat. The loss of Nat weighs heavily on him too, but ever the military man, he marches through it unscathed. Nebula, much like always, is quiet. She just seems to appear now and then, never really staying long to be part of the conversation; which is weird for her, but you can't quite get a grip on why, so you assume its nerves; you assume she's not one who's used to having to wait around for other to take action.

After a few rounds with Barton you quickly head to the gun range to keep your head clear, when Tony stops you; they're close to getting the gauntlet ready. Tomorrow is the day. Feeling a strange sense of forboding about using these stones, you find yourself redirected outside the compound; the fresh air needed to wake up whatever has struck you so hard.

Deep down you know what it is: what is this doesn't work? What if everything was for nothing. But even more unsettling, what if it DID work? You life was very different from the one you'd had five years before, sure it had taken a lot of blood, tears and mental pain to make it, but for it all you were a better person now. Would things between you and Bucky be the same? Would you be able to literally walk back into the life you had before? And Sam, how would things go with him when he found out the path you'd walked to get here?

Those thought mulling over in your head, you're interrupted by the fact that you're not alone outside. Scott is sitting on a bench, similarly to you it seems, lost in thought. When he catches your eye he looks somewhat embarrassed and quickly wipes at his eyes. Clearly you had caught him a vulnerable moment.

In his haste to make room for you on the bench, he'd dropped a photo. You manage to quickly pick it up while he panics, and notice the beautiful little girl. "Is that Cassie?" You ask, finally sitting down before handing him the photo back. "She's beautiful."

"Thank you." He gives his eyes another quick wipe. "That's all her mother." You laugh a little, remembering Tony saying the same thing about Morgan. "And she doesn't look like that now. I guess she's grown up a lot in the past five years." You wonder if that was what he was mulling over, the fact that he had lost five years of his daughter's life. You quickly put your hand on his shoulder.

"It wasn't your fault you weren't there Scott. She'll forgive you." He just gives you a quick nod, while resuming looking away from you, clearly you had brought a fresh set of tears to the surface. "You came back though, straight to her door." You remember Nat telling you Scott's story. "That's gotta count for something."

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