Chapter 33 - Play The Hero

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New York, 2015

Walking straight to the bar, not noticing the amount of people surrounding the room, without even having to place an order, a large cocktail arrives in front of you. You look up to see Nat standing in front of you. "Consider it a peace offering!" She smiles cautiously. You sigh, raising the glass and toasting her, before downing the entire glass in one go.

"Thanks," You shrug, looking around for another bartender, not ready to talk with Nat yet. But your looks go unnoticed as Nat pours another drink, sliding it over to you. "I really don't want to talk about it Nat, I'm just here to show face and then I'm off again."

"Please," She grabs your hand. "You know I want to help you here."

"Don't lie to me Nat," You pull away from her grasp, but she tightens her grasp. "Let me go." You warn.

"Stop." She raises her voice, before looking around at those close to you. Letting your hand go, she lowers her voice, almost to a whisper. "Stop pushing people away who want to help you. Me, Steve..." Her eyes drift over the party. "Sam?" She raises an eyebrow. "You don't have to do this alone."

You turn to follow her gaze; seeing Sam and Steve together through the sea of people at this party. As you turn back you catch a glimpse of Stark talking with Thor and Hill - conflicted feelings rise in your stomach; still debating whether or not to talk to him about Barnes. Once again Nat slides the drink in front of you. "Fine," you shrug, taking a small sip this time. "But on one condition!" She nods, taking a sip with you. "Let's just enjoy tonight!"

She smiles and raises her glass in a toast again, you meet her there with a smile this time. Nat tells you all about the mission with Strucker; Barton's injury, the twins, the sceptre. Everything.

Feeling a little bit more like yourself in Nat's company, you start to relax. Stark was right, it was about celebrating the small victories that mattered. You still had long ways to go, but knowing HYDRA were gone, made a part of you feel free.

A small tap on your shoulder interrupts you; your normal reaction was still to turn and fight, but the alcohol had dialled down that part of you. You're glad of that when you turn and see Bruce standing behind you. "What are you girls doing in a place like this?" He asks, with a nervous but almost flirty tone.

Once again your eyes are drawn to Sam and Steve, now racking up at the pool table. "Men done us wrong," you laugh, catching the look between Banner and Nat. Smiling to yourself, you pat Bruce on the shoulder before sliding along the latest concoction Nat had whipped up. "Have fun you two!"

Steve catches your eye first as you walk over to them, a slight trepidation from both of you, while Sam meets your eye with nothing but a kind smile. "How's the table treating you Cap?"

Steve relaxes a little and smiles, while Sam scoffs. "He may be a super soldier but he sure as shit can't play pool!" He blurts out, making both you and Steve laugh.

"Maybe my skills are a little rusty," he throws the pool cue over to you. "Let's see what you've got Volkova!"

"Finally, a challenge!" Sam bursts out laughing as he sets up the table. When you lean over to break, you catch him giving your backside a look before his eyes are drawn back to the table.

"Stripes," you chuckle as immediately off the break you pot three balls. Steve lets out a small laugh before patting Sam's shoulder and heading off to the bar.

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