001 - A new beginning

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Not exactly new but a one that I was told is for the better - though it feels more like running from our problems it is just a point where you realize some problems you can only avoid. Staring them down only for them to break you down in turn.

Nobody said you needed to face all your problems.

Turning in my bed, I glance at the door opposite of me. It's basic but looks old as if a coating of dust was painted onto it. Just like the rest of the room, it is bland and drab. The only color I managed to breathe into this room came from my seaside covers with splotches of color ranging from deep blue to turquoise.

The curtains and pillow covers came from the same set. With the standard brown carpet, everything else was left as when I came here. Though the room is still empty, there are bags and a few boxes stacked into the corner considering we only reached this new apartment an hour before midnight.

I finally find it in myself to force myself out of bed, opening the door slightly I squeeze by as I stare at the opposite door. She must still be sleeping, otherwise, she would have woken me up and been excited for me.

Down the short hallway, there is a kitchen to my right and the other half of the room is the living room. To the right, there is a small dining room with another door that leads towards another hallway to the front door.

We share the bathroom between the two of our bedrooms. 

At the counter, I fill the kettle and start to boil it as I start making breakfast. Rather basic but we don't have anything other than eggs and bread. We don't have spices to work with either so to fight the bland taste I will just have to douse it with ketchup.

She likes it scrambled like a child anyway so it works in her favor.

Minutes into cooking our breakfast I hear a moan near our rooms, I glance over my shoulder to see a messy-haired redhead that somehow manages to look smooth despite the slight curls at the ends. Rubbing the side of her head and the other behind her back she smiles at me with her teeth.

She is the tallest in the family, I don't know where she got that length from. Despite that, she isn't frail at all. She hides it behind a cute demeanor and a chirpy attitude.

"You are up early! How'd you sleep?"

I glance back at the pan, "Good morning. I slept decently considering how late we came back... and I have to go to the new school remember?"

"Right right," hearing her drag her feet towards the curtains, she opens them up wide. The sun rose right in front of our window, peeking over the buildings in the distance.

She walks up to me, resting her chin on top of my head, "Whatcha making?"

"Scrambled eggs. We don't have butter so I used oil. So the toast is going to be dry unless you end up covering your plate in tomato sauce."

I feel her moving her jaw to the sides as her chin scrapes against my head, purposely annoying me, she then moves next to me with a giggle. Reaching for the cups in one of the cupboards as she states.

"You should have made soft-boiled eggs then."

"You'd complain about it not being scrambled."

"I mean... I won't complain if it is you making it for me," I look at her as she shoots me a wink, "I will do shopping next week when I get money again. Starting out is always hardest."

I nod, "It is."

Finishing up the food, I sit the plate down in front of her as I see her instantly reach over for the ketchup. Practically covering most of it, I just sit down and eat mine as is with the cup of tea she prepared for both of us.

Your Dark Stars - Highschool K/DA x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now