Meeting His Wolf

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I'm now running in my wolf form in the woods. You must have be wondering why I came into the woods after everything happened with vampire's.

This part of the woods is safe we have patrolers, patrolling it all the time. I now came to a small pond. I drink some water from it and sit on my haunches and relax.

I can get a sniff of vanilla. His he following me? I ask my wolf.
She doesn't reply to me. She's more interested in meeting his wolf.
The day when we were being attacked by vampire's I never really get to meet his wolf properly.

I turn to see a massive charcoal Grey wolf standing beside me. His eyes are electric blue. His wolf is really intimidating. He start to sniff and lick me.

This wasn't supposed to be happening I'm still mad at him. My wolf seems to enjoy being next to her mate.
I ask her back for control. She doesn't want to give in.

Since I can't do anything I sit down and watch him.
It's getting dark and I need to head home I go behind a huge tree and shift into my human form I change into my clothes that I had brought with me.

I step out and see he's already shifted and changed as well.
I don't say a word, I have the walk pass him but he then grabs my hand.

Bella I'm sorry I never expected that to happen. He says.
Please talk to me Bella.
He quickly grabs me by my waist and starts kissing me I try to push him away but he's much stronger than me.
At first I don't respond to the kiss.
But then I give into.

We stop to catch a breath. He stares at me. He starts to say something but is stopped when we hear someone calling his name.
Shit he curses. It's Michelle
I push him aside and run the other way so she doesn't see me.

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