Chapter Eighty Seven

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"The symbol of peace has fallen!"

The television wept for weeks while the public mourned the loss of their mighty hero. After his weakened form was exposed on live tv the number one hero retired.

The moment One for All was placed in police custody should have felt like a victory but, it felt more like the heroes won the battle but lost the war.

While the police were able to obtain dozens of Nomu, Shigaraki with the rest of the League of Villains escaped through pools of blackened water with you in hand.

All Might was beside himself while trapped inside a hospital could do nothing to aid in finding you. A tight pressure built inside his chest that inflated with every passing second.

Katsuki felt like he couldn't breathe, like his lungs had been tied off and no air could grace his body. He failed. He promised he would keep you safe, but he was too weak to prevent you from being kidnapped for a second time. His fist tightened while he laid on his back inside the stiff hospital room.

Your energy was wiped clean, your last conscious moments were inside his grasp, when you awoke only to find yourself still with the league of villains and Katsuki not there beside you...what were going to think? How would you feel?

Katsuki pulled his hands to his face, roughly rubbing his eyes forcing the tears to stay behind the barrier. While he lay inside a room filled with his parents and nursing staff, he never felt more alone and felt he needed his guard up.

For Midoriya and the other upcoming heroes from Class 1-A who snuck out to help find Katsuki and you, they felt uneasy when they returned to the students' dorms empty handed after being questioned by authorities.

"What do you mean she isn't coming home!?" Mina's eyes searched Midoriya's face. "I-Is All Might not letting her or-!?"

"That's not...I-I mean..." Midoriya stuttered, nervously rubbing the back of his neck feeling a thin layer of sweat coating his skin as he avoided Mina's woolly gaze.

"(y/n) wasn't rescued." Shoto bluntly stated, his brain throbbed inside his skull cavity.

"Not rescued?" Asui rubbed her sleep dusted eyes. "What does that mean?"

"She is still with the League of Villains." Ida gripped his fists so tight his knuckles turned white at his side.

"Why?!" Mina screeched her heart skipping a few steps. "How, I-I don't, but you were able to get Bakugo of all people!?"


"Why him and not her!?"

"It-It wasn't that easy-"

"So, you just grabbed the easiest-" Mina accused.

"No!" Midoriya cut, "We-I--of course I wanted to get both (y/n) and Kacchan but (y/n) was taken so fast and I-we just..."

"I-I can't believe this." Mina breathed, running her hands through her messy hair. "Where is Bakugo? What does he say about all this!? What about All Might because apparently that is who (y/n) has been living with and has been lying-!"

"(y/n) was asked-" Midoriya cut Mina off quickly taking your defense, "-to not tell anyone who she was truly living with."

"How the hell would you know that!?"

"I-I just I-I-" Midoriya sighed after a moment of rambling, feeling the effects of the day weighting him. "-I know All Might didn't want his name to affect the people she became friends with. It wasn't easy for her to lie to everyone, but (y/n) did what was asked of her."

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