Chapter Thirty Eight

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"Asui-" Ectoplasm called, "-since you're finished with your assignment do you mind running this to Snipe? He should be in the gym."

"Sure." Asui nodded, getting up from her desk and accepting a stack of files from Ectoplasm.

Bakugo growled, gripping his pencil so tight he could hear the side crack. He leaned closer to his notebook while he irritably bounced his right leg glancing at the clock as it slowly ticked away. He could hear you behind him, writing notes in your stupid notebook while Ectoplasm helped you with a problem.

Bakugo knew you hated math; this was your least favorite class.

Two weeks and neither one of you were breaking the tension, and talking to the other person first. Bakugo fought the urge to turn his head to look at you. He replayed the two of you in the mountains over and over again in his head, and every time he came up empty handed as to why he acted the way he did.

Your arm healed from being burned by his quirk and from almost getting dislocated.

"Thank you." You said as Ectoplasm walked away from your desk allowing you to move on to the last problem on your worksheet you had to complete before the end of class.

Twenty-two minutes fazed by, you leaned back in your chair staring out the window. It was a clear day; the sun was bright as you watched the birds flap on by.

"(y/n)-" Ectoplasm called your name; you turned your head. "-your done with the assignment?"

"Yeah." You answered, Midoriya's mouth dropped open. He wasn't even half way finish with the second page how on earth did you already finish!? This was your weakest subject!

"Do you mind going to the gym? It's been some time, Asui should be back by now. I am sure Snipe is talking her ear off."

"Uh sure." You said slowly standing from your desk. Bakugo's eyes instantly locked onto your back once you walked by. You didn't so much as glance his way, you kept your eyes forward.

"Thank you." Ectoplasm said, knowing he was unable to go himself because he couldn't leave the class unattended.

"Where is the gym?" You asked turning to him before you reached the door.

"Right." Ectoplasm sighed, "Your still new and haven't found your way completely around the school yet."

"I can go with her!" Mina quickly spiked her arm in the air. "I just finished my work!" Mina said raising the small packet in her hand.

"Hm..." Ectoplasm glanced from you then to Mina. "...very well."

"Yay!" Mina hopped up from her chair.

"Thanks for coming." You said once Mina closed the classroom door.

"Are you kidding!?" Mina laughed, "I was dying of boredom in there!"

"Yeah." You briskly laughed, letting the conversation die as you turned to face ahead.

"Hey..." Mina slowly spoke as you guys turned a corner.

"Hm?" You looked up from gazing mindlessly at the floor.

"Are you ok?" Mina asked, "You haven't seemed like yourself lately..."

You haven't felt like yourself lately...

"Yeah-" You nod, "-I'm good."

"Everything...going ok in your therapy?" Mina slowly tested the waters to see if this was something you were ok with talking about.

"Oh-" You sighed; "-you know about that?"

"Yeah, ah, honestly last week when you said you couldn't hang out after school, I was kinda mad, but Deku explained you couldn't and one thing led to another and he filled me in."

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