Chapter Twelve

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Midoriya panted holding his arm slowly making his way to Recovery Girl's office.

Midoriya was mentally beating himself up, he let his emotions get the better of him, he was blind to his actions crumbling stone beneath his fingers, he didn't even realize he broke a handful of fingers until his legs collapsed him to the ground while his lungs desperately sucked in precious oxygen as sweat dripped down his face.

"She really wants to leave huh?" Recovery Girl's voice could be heard as he entered the room, Midoriya saw Recovery Girl and All Might standing in her office, the door cracked as they talked. Midoriya glanced away from the door to the empty white beds.

Midoriya suddenly stopped dead in his tracks, his lips parted as he felt his lungs squeeze. Your back faced him as you fiddled with your shirt in your hands, you sat on one of the beds wearing only a sports bra waiting for Recovery Girl to bandage your wounds located on your torso.

"(y-y/n)." Midoriya breathed, staring at your bare skin. A large circle with two smaller circles rested on your lower back, as did long tares in your soft flesh.

"Midoriya?" You asked looking over your shoulder.

"Wh-What happened?" Midoriya breathed as you stood and fully faced him, revealing more damage dealt to you.

"You didn't see the video your friends showed the class?" Your words dripped with salt.

"I-I did but I mean...I didn't think you got this hurt-"

"Not all of this was from the fight against Shadow Jack."

"Then how did-"

"Midoriya?" All Might called stepping into the room with Recovery Girl. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I might have gone a little overboard." Midoriya let out a shaky laugh still holding his arm.

"Go sit over there and I will be right with you." Recover girl sighed setting down bandages.

"Ye-Yes ma'am." Midoriya nodded, All Might breathed taking a quick glance at you before walking after the boy with the messy mop of green hair.

"Midoriya-" All Might called, "-are you alright?"

"Yeah." Midoriya closed his eyes as he smiled, All Might pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You were just supposed to crumble those four rocks."

"Well, I did..."


"I did all of them."

"Midoriya." All Might sighed, lifted his hand and ruffed his mop hair.

"Alright-" Recovery Girl walked up, "-let's see what is going on with you today."

"Hello again." Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck.

"How is-"

"She will be fine." Recovery Girl cut in as you walked over slipping your shirt on hiding the evidence from your last fight.

"(y/n) oh my-!" Midoriya deeply blushed, "-I didn't mean to just walk in when your exposed like that! I-I am so sorry I-"

"It's fine." You brushed off; you weren't really that exposed.

"So-" Recovery Girl spoke, breaking the awkward silence filling the room. "-(y/n) what do you plan to do all day while at home?"

Midoriya glanced from Recovery Girl, then to you feeling confused.

"I'll still have classes." You muttered.

"Mm." The elder woman nodded, "True...haven't you considered switching classes, or maybe courses."

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