Chapter Twenty Three

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You took a long sip from your plastic cup as you followed Tokoyami to the arena.

"Huh?" You blinked looking over seeing the girls from your class dressed in orange themed cheerleading uniforms.

"Did I miss something?" You turned to Tokoyami who shrugged not understanding what was going on either.

"Looks like class 1-A is going full on fan service!" President Mic cracked up. You glanced over seeing Mineta and Kaminari snickering to each other.

"What!?" Momo yelled, "You tricked us!?"

"You're going to regret this!" Jiro screamed.

"What did you two do?" You asked sipping your cup.


"We couldn't find you to trick you too-" Kaminari kicked Mineta shutting him up before he could finish his sentence.

"Finally get a chance to show what we are made of!" Kirishima's face was bright, "I watch these fights every year and now I'm finally in them!"

"So, is it always a tournament?" Mina wondered,

"The finals are always a one-on-one competition, but they do switch it up every now and then." Sero explained.

"Come over here and draw lots to see who you are up against." Midnight explained picking up a brightly colored box. "Then enjoy the pleasure of the recreational games before we start. The upcoming competitors can choose to sit out and get ready for their upcoming matches if they so wish."

"Um-" Ojiro rose his hand. "-excuse me, I'm sorry but I am dropping out."

"No way Ojiro!" Midoriya gasped.

"Are you insane!?" Kirishima added.

"This is a rare chance for you to be scouted!" Ida said.

"I don't feel it would be right, I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle." Ojiro explained, "I think it was that guy's quirk, but I wouldn't feel right about it, everyone gave their all-in round two, but I was just someone's puppet, I don't want to advance if I didn't earn it!"

You had respect for Ojiro. You knew the feeling of being someone's puppet all too well.

"Wow-!" Kirishima cried, "-you're so manly Ojiro!"

"This sort of talk is incredibly naïve my boys-!" Midnight called, "-that turns me on-!"

"How is she a teacher again?" You wondered.

"-Ojiro you're withdrawn! We will need to move up students from the fifth-place team from the cavalry battle."

"We barely did anything-" A redhead said, "-you should pick a team that fought the whole time, like Tetsutetsu's teams."

"Itsuka-" A boy with white lashes stepped forward, looking like he was about to burst into tears.

"I'm not doing you any favors, it's just fair." The red head Itsuka shrugged.

"Thank you!" Tetsutetsu's shouted.

"This is getting weird." You muttered.

"Look at the bracket my dears, these are your opponents!" Midnight called, turning everyone to the large screen.

You stared at the screen reading it until you found your name.

"(l/n)-" Ida called, you turned seeing him bow. "-it appears we are going to be sparing against each other."

"So, it seems." You nod.

"Please-" Ida says, "-forgive me."

"Huh?" You tilt your head.

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