Chapter Forty Five

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"That took longer than expected."

Class 1-A slowly emerged from the woods, each battered and bruised and about to drop.

"Wh-Where is (y/n)?" Mina asked, slowly looking around. After an hour of trying to search for you in the beast infected forest, the class decided you could defend yourself and was probably making your way towards the camp, so they did too.

"Hm?" Pixie-Bob hummed, "Oh she didn't make it-"


"I'm joking!" Pixie-Bob waved,

"Not cool man!" Kaminari breathed, touching his heart.

"(y/n)." Aizawa called, you walked into sight easing your classmate's twisted anxiety.

"Yeah?" You asked, "Oh-" You noticed your class had finally arrived. "-what took you guys so long?"

"What!?" Kaminari gasped, "How long have you been here!?"

"Couple hours." You shrugged.

"H-Hours!?" Mina gasped. "How!?"

"Well, when I got loose from those bird things, they dropped me. After that I just made my way here." You explained.

"I-I am so mad at you right now." Jiro breathed, feeling exhausted.

"You-You said it would only take three hours!?" Sero cried, "It took six!"

"I guess we times it based on how long it would take us-!" Pixie-Bob chuckled, "Sorry!"

"Bragging about how much better you are?" Sato collapsed to the ground, "That's so mean."

"I'm starving-!" Kirishima cried, "-this is hell."

"I thought it would take you kids a lot longer, but you held up against my dirt monsters better than I expected you too!"

"I-I hate you." Kaminari breathed.

"Especially the four of you!" Pixie-Bob pointed out Ida, Midoriya, Shoto, Bakugo. "It seems you have quite the experience! And you-!" She pointed to you who moved to stand with your class. "-I had to separate you from the class so you wouldn't make it so easy for them!"

"Uh..." You didn't like the way her licked her lips staring at you.

"I call dibs on these kittens!" She pounced, "I'll groom them myself!" She fluttered around touching the four boys. She moved to place a hand on you and you instantly glared, causing her to freeze.

"Don't touch me."

"Sh-She can be kinda scary." Kirishima nervously laughed.

"Hey-" Midoriya spoke, "-speaking of ages-" Having heard Aizawa and Mandalay's conversation, Pixie-Bob covered Midoriya's face, her expression seething with rage.

"Choose your words carefully boy!"

"I-I was just wondering who that was." Midoriya pointed to the little boy standing beside the teachers.

"Oh, this is Kota, my cousin's son he lives with us now." Mandalay explained. "Don't be shy, say hi. They are going to be here for the next week."

Midoriya smiled, walking over to the boy introducing himself.

Kota looked up to the green-haired mop, frowned and instantly punched Midoriya in the crotch.

You couldn't muffle your laugh.

"You fiend of a child-!" Ida rushed to Midoriya's side. "-a punch to the scrotum is unforgiveable!"

"The last thing I wanna do is hang around a bunch of wannabe heroes!"

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