Chapter Thirty Four

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"Here you two are-!" Mina waved, wrapping her arm around yours. "-what are you guys doing?" Mina wondered glancing from Bakugo then to you. Your muscles were tense as Mina clung to your arm. You were still trying to adjust to human contact that wasn't trying to kill you.

"Nothing." You flashed an effortless smile, hiding the fact you were uncomfortable.

"Well come on-!" Mina pulled on you, "-you promised-"

"Hey-!" Bakugo exclaimed, easily catching your free wrist before Mina could drag you out of reach. "-we have unfinished business-!"

"Huh?" Mina frowned, not understanding Bakugo's up tight face.

"Sports festival." You filled her in.

"Oh!" It clicked inside her head, "Your still on that?"

"What the hell does that mean!?" Bakugo scowled.

"Learn to let things go-!" Mina spelled out pulling harder on your arm, trying to unlatch Bakugo's grip. "-starting with (y/n)!"

"Shut the hell up starburst!" Bakugo snapped, "She isn't going anywhere until one of us drops!"

"Hey man-" Kirishima walked over seeing the tension, he placed a soft hand on Bakugo's shoulder, "-I know (y/n) just got a clean bill of health, but maybe don't rip her arm off?"

"Hah?" Bakugo sneered, looking forward, seeing how unknowingly tight his grip was latched onto you. Quickly he dropped your arm which fell to your side. "You could have said something!" He snapped at you, causing your shoulder to shrug. His clamping grip wasn't the worst pain you have felt, so it honestly didn't bother you.

Midoriya and Shoto walked over, both curious on what was going on and what activity you all would be going.

"Where to next!?" Kaminari asked, balancing on the heels of his feet with his arms behind his head.

"Well speaking of the Sports Festival-" Mina chirped in, "-(y/n) couldn't play any of the games, so she promised we would be doing that today. After we finish the games, then you can have your turn and get your ass kicked by her-"

"I WILL BE THE ONE TO WIN!" Bakugo instantly belted.

"Mhm-" Mina grinned rolling her eyes, "-we shall see. (y/n) come on!" Mina said pulling you away with Kaminari and Kirishima on your free side hyping up the fun activities.

"Nerd-" Bakugo caught Midoriya before he could walk away.

"H-Huh!?" Midoriya instantly began to sweat as he slowly turned around. "Ye-Yeah Kacchan?"

"What the hell happened during the internships?" Bakugo stepped closer, looming over Midoriya with seething red eyes.

"Wh-What do you mean!?"

"Don't play stupid-" Bakugo snapped, "-those other idiots may have fallen for your lame ass excuses, but I won't!"

"Wh-What are you talking-"

"How are you three injured?"

"We-Well I got mine-"

"Do you think I'm stupid-!?" Bakugo pushed Midoriya, the green haired mop's back rested against a cold wall out of ear shot from the other students. "-you three show up to class, all recovering at the same time from similar injuries. Do you think I would buy that is just one huge coincidence!?"

"I-I-" Midoriya sighed, "-I can't talk about it."


"Because we can't!"

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