Chapter Thirty Five

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A high-pitched whistle caught your ear, you turned to see Bakugo and Midoriya walking over to the small group consisting of a few classmates you stood in.

"Did you just whistle at me?" You asked Bakugo who ignored your comment.

"I signed us up-" Bakugo explained they had a time slot to spare in one hour time in the p.e. grounds.

"Nifty." You replied, earning an annoyed look from Bakugo who wanted more of a reaction from you.

"I'm going to beat you once and for all-!" Bakugo smirked, "-and claim the Sport's Festival winner title!"

You glanced over to him, placing colored beads of sweet candies in your mouth. You flashed a thumbs up earning another scowl from Bakugo.

"Look!" Asui called, pointing over towards a bright sign. "There's the obstacle course, let's go!"

"Yeah!" Your classmates all excitedly agreed.

"You coming Bakugo?" Kirishima asked, you glanced over waiting for him to join your migrating group.

"Hah!?" Bakugo craned his head, looking from Kirishima then to you. "That lame ass obstacle course? Hell no!"

"Aw come on-!" Kirishima pushed.

"No!" Bakugo turned, stomping away. Kirishima sighed, turning to you and the rest of Class 1-A. "Maybe next time." He awkwardly laughed, brushing off Bakugo's harsh nature.

"Come on!" Mina said grabbing your arm and pulling you with them.

Bakugo turned, his face twisted in anger as he watched Mina and Asui drag you towards the popular obstacle course. He bit down on his jaw, clenching it tight as he ignored the longing for him to be standing by your side right now, for him to be dragged along with you...

The course was a blast, you really enjoyed it when Kaminari got stuck and the workers had to come help him wiggle free. It took roughly forty minutes to complete with your classmates constantly getting distracted.

The lot of you walked out the exit side, you brushed your hair behind your ear as you laughed at Asui's comment about Kaminari. Mina and the others went to the stand to try and get copies of pictures the camera bots shot of the group.

You faced forward, his hair catching your eye. Bakugo was leaning against a support beam, sipping through a straw as he gazed blankly down at his cell phone.

"Phwwwwwhht" You whistled once you got closer. Bakugo turned with wide eyes seeing it was you.

"Did-Did you just whistle at me!?" He shot you an annoyed expression as he put his phone away.

"Hm." You hummed, amused. "I wonder where I've heard that before?" You smirked seeing his daggered face.

"What the hell do you want!?" Bakugo quickly pulled his eyes off you, annoyed by the tingling sensation in his chest.

"We doing this or what?" You asked, resting your hands inside the pockets of your gym pants.


"It's ok if you want to chicken out." You mocked, watching the light in B's head flicker on. His famous malicious grin spread wide across his face.

"You in a rush to get your ass kicked?" Bakugo cocked his head to the side.

"Mm." You hummed as a response scratching your neck, Bakugo's eyes flashed to the red line running across it. "You know what they say about big egos..."

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