Chapter Forty Nine

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After eight minutes dragged itself along, the three of you stepped out of the forest and into a clearing.

"Ah-" Yui cringed as your mouth dropped open and Toru ran into your back.

Before you stood two creatures.

"What are Nomu doing here?" Yui breathed.

"What in the fuck is a Nomu!?" Your jaw was chilling on the ground as the two creatures spotted you.

"Oh, hell no-" Yui breathed, stepping backwards. "-sorry to interrupt-" She waved; "-we will just be going-!?"

You quickly pushed Yui out of the way of the first creature who lunged for her, its brain was strangely exposed. Its skin is a pale blue shade, and it holds four eyes, two on each side of its head.

The second creature let out a gargled roar, stretching its pale-yellow arms as its wings folded outward. Like the other, its brain was exposed but only held two eyes. This creature held a gas mask over its mouth.

"What the fuck?" You repeated, your mind struggled to accept what was before you.

"We need to run!" Toru cried; you could only shake your head.

"Running won't work." You answered.

"What do you mean!?"

"They will follow us, putting everyone else in danger."

"You can't really think we can take them on!?"

"We don't have a choice." Yui butted in, she lifted her arm. A thick goop began to drip from her skin.

"Ew!" Toru scrunched her nose.

The goop twitched before rising, forming into a version of herself. Yui made four clones.

"Cool." You commented, before turning to the creatures who were closing in on you.

"But we aren't allowed to fight villains!" Toru argued as the beats grew closer.

"You want to tell them that?" You snapped, "Hey-!" You called, "-I'm sorry, we don't have a piece of paper that says we can fight you, so sorry!"

"(y/n) this isn't the time for jokes!" Toru lectures.

"Your fucking telling me!" You lectured back, "You're the one over here saying we can't fight back when those things clearly look hungry, and I got a very good guess what they eat!"

Reaching your hands out, a steady stream of flames fanned the charging blue skinned creature. After a moment, you realized it wasn't slowing down or even stopping. You rolled out of its way before it bulldozed through you.

"That didn't even faze it!" Toru gasped. You watched the beast crash through a tree, before turning, its eyeball wiggled searching for you.

"Oh-" Your stomach rolled, "-that's just unsettling."

It roared, reaching its arms outward, it ran for you and the yellow one attacked Yui who seemed to have the fighting skills to remain alive.

"(y/n)-!" Toru worriedly cried,

"Alright." You breathed rotating your neck. "Let's try this-!" You reached forward, igniting your blue flames as you shot it towards the incoming creature, but it wasn't fazed.

"How is it still moving!?" Toru gasped, gripping the back of your shirt.

"How about we ask the questions later!?" You snapped, feeling worried. Toru didn't have the skills to fight on her own. You turned back to the 'Nomu' or whatever it was called, you questioned if you could defend you and Toru at the same time. "Toru-!" An idea popped into your head. "-strip!"

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