Chapter Thirty

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All Might loaded up the car with the luggage which was more his things than yours, and the two of you were on your way to Hosu City for the week!

All Might had business he needed to do there; you weren't lying to Mina. You did want to get out and travel around, this was what made you agree to join All Might's road trip. It was a small start to seeing the world, but it was something, and you did need to take it easy just a bit until your rib is fully healed.

All Might was beaming with excitement ever since you agreed to join him.

The car ride was odd at first.

Tension so thick you could cut it with a knife filled the enclosed space around the two of you. It felt like there were unsaid words that needed to be spilled into the open. But you didn't know what to say to All Might, ever since the Sports Festival things have the two of you.

"So-" All Might cleared his throat, feeling the same way you did. He just didn't know how to take that first step. He wished Dr. Aimi wasn't on vacation right now. "-when we get there, we can unpack and have dinner, the hotel as a great restaurant inside it."

"Ok." You nodded, you loved food.

"Tomorrow I have a few things I need to do but after we can go sightseeing around the city, sound like a plan?"

"Yeah." You nodded again, not sure what else to say.

"(y/n) ..." All Might breathed through his nose. "...I-I just want to say I'm sorry." All Might blurted.

"Sorry?" You turned to look at the pro-hero. "For what?"

"What I said during the Sports Festival...I should have supported what you wanted to do, I guess I was just worried you would get hurt beyond what you could recover from."

"I'm sorry too." You investigated your pant leg like the fabric was the most interesting thing on earth. "I know I wasn't easy to deal with-"

"You were though." All Might sighed, "You just wanted to be like your classmates and participate. We should have sat down together and talked about it, I shouldn't have shot down your opinion like I did, and I shouldn't have said I wouldn't support you-" All Might glanced from the road, "-because I will support you no matter what."

"Thanks..." You smiled, your chest feeling lighter as your muscles relaxed. You leaned against the seat looking out the window at the new city. "!" You gasped at the skyscrapers, you stared out the window, your hands pressed against the cool glass looking at the rushing city.

"Welcome to Hosu City." All Might chuckled at your wide-eyed expression.

"This place is insane!" You gushed, pointing to a colorful building.

"Just wait until we get to the really big cities." All Might joked as he pulled up to a fancy building where people waited outside to take their luggage and car.

"They are just taking it for you?" You asked.

"Yes." All Might answer as the two of you walked to the service desk. "They will take our things to our room and park the car for us."

"That is crazy." Your mind was already blown by the simplest things this town had to offer.

"While we wait for them to take our things up and finish the room-" All Might turned, "-how about that dinner I promised you?"

"Yes!" You bounced, the smells spilling out of the busy restaurant had your stomach rolling around.

Dinner with All Might was nice, the tension finally broke between the two of you. You were introduced to fine dining for the first time.

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