Chapter Twenty Nine

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Dinner with the Bakugo's was...interesting to say the least.

You discovered where Bakugo got his unique personality: his short-tempered mother. You sat in shocked silence watching Bakugo and his mother bicker back and forth most of the night. His father was the calm well-mannered one who tried to break up the tension.

In all, you enjoyed the night.

It got a little awkward when Masaru finally broke and questioned you about the bruise on your face. They thought their son was the cause of it, you had no idea what to say to them. You didn't want to lie to them but at the same time, you didn't want to admit you received the gift from an inmate in prison.

Bakugo was the one to answer for you, claiming it was from training and no it wasn't from him.

Bakugo lied for you...he hated lairs.

His parents were relieved to know their son wasn't going around beating on young girls. You oddly, didn't want their opinion of you to shift into that of Vlad's, a young villain who belonged behind bars. You didn't understand why you cared about their thoughts on you...

Bakugo was forced to walk you home, he grumped and complained but did it anyway. The walk home was a comfortable silence between the two of you. The small conversation you ended up having was when you discovered a nickname for Bakugo you liked: B.

Bakugo claimed he hated it, but you didn't care.

Once you recognized the area you were in, you explained to Bakugo you knew how to get home and he could just head home himself. His glowing red eyes looked down at you, he claimed his mother would somehow find out he didn't take you all the way back to All Might's and beat his ass.

Bakugo walked you all the way to the porch before muttering a set of words, the one word you did catch was: dumbass before quickly leaving. You smiled as you watched him leave. Mitsuki gave you a container of curry to take home with you, you gave it to All Might when he finally got home from UA, who was not thrilled to find out you walked to the store all alone. The night ended with a quick movie with All Might and bed.

The next morning you woke up in the lazy afternoon.

The sun was beaming through your bedroom curtains, you could feel a warm breeze sliding in through the cracked patio doors. If felt like a good day to laze around.

A quick breakfast of eggs and toast, you found a note left for you on the fridge from All Might saying he was out preparing for his weeklong trip, he wished you would join him on.

You sighed, still not sure if you wanted to go on the trip or not. Scratching your head, you checked your phone and flinched seeing several missed calls and messages from Bakugo.

He was not a patient person, after you didn't reply within ten minutes, he then blew up your phone and held a one-sided conversation with himself. His mother had invited you over for dinner once again, Bakugo explained he wouldn't shut up and leave him alone until he called you. He concluded you did not wish to join simply because you were asleep.

You gave him a quick call, getting an ear full when you said you just woke up in the late afternoon. With All Might not home, you agreed to walk over.

Bakugo muttered through the phone, telling you to do whatever you wanted before hanging up. After casually tossing the phone on his bed he went to the bathroom to brush his hair and teeth.

"What are you doing?" Mitsuki questioned her son, seeing him put in an effort in his appearance for the first time.

"(y/n) is coming over." He muttered, spitting out the foam in his mouth.

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