Chapter Nine

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The remainder of class was dead silent, everyone felt Aizawa daring another person to speak out of turn during his lecture.

"(y/n)-" Aizawa called as he placed his book on his desk, you snapped your head from gazing out the window. "-you are excused." He said, quickly giving a nod you scooped up your bag and textbook making a quick get a way.

"Wha-?" A confused voice sounded.

"You have something to say Kirishima?" Aizawa snapped as you stepped out of the room.

"N-No sir!" A terrified voice sounded as the door closed behind you.

You let out a deep breath as your heart began to settle finally once out of the thick atmosphere that was your class.

Your stomach growled from deep inside your belly, you felt a wave of heat engulf your body as your sight slowly began to spin. You groaned in pain as you made your way to All Might's office, he wanted you to eat the first few lunches with him which you didn't mind.

Aizawa knew All Might wanted you to eat lunch with him, thankfully he excused you early so you wouldn't be engulfed by your new classmates and their endless questions. He really was a nice guy under that sleeping bag.

What was with that anyway?

"(y/n)!" All Might cheered with a mouth full of food, "Sorry I started without you-"

"It's ok." You waved; the smell of the chicken had your mouth watering. You dropped your bookbag, taking a seat and inhaled your portion of homemade food that was waiting for you.

"Hungry I see." All Might chuckled, "Remember what I said-"

"I know." You muttered with a mouth full of food, "I wasn't hungry then." You lied; how could you break out a bag of chips within your first hour of being in your new class? It was already so awkward with how everyone stared at you as if you had a third eye resting on your face you didn't know about.

"How was your first class?" All Might wondered,

"It was good." You answered, "Mr. Aizawa didn't allow much talking because he was lecturing so..."

All Might chuckled, "That sounds like Aizawa, how are you feeling?"

"I'm ok-" You said, "-better now that I ate."

"Good, sorry to cut this short but I have a meeting-" All Might sighed, he hated meetings this caused you to smirk. "-you should get to your next class; you don't want to be late!" You nodded, picking up your bag after saying goodbye to All Might.

Walking through the large school was like you were maneuvering through a maze. You looked at the paper and then matched the number to the doors. It was time for Midnights class, hero arts whatever that was.

You felt pride for being a little early, maybe you could find your seat without causing too much of a scene. Hopefully Midnight will be like Aizawa and not allow interruptions in her class and you can slip away question free again.

You let out a small hopeful breath as you pulled the door open only to freeze in your place, your full stomach turned seeing the classroom was full of your classmates and their conversation instantly halted upon seeing you.

"(l/n)!" The pink girl from your first class smiled wide, "We wondered when you would get here."

" did?" You slowly closed the door, moving more into the room.

"Your seat is right here!" A girl with long black hair pointed. Once again, you were behind the ash blond boy who held a bored expression on his face.

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