Chapter Thirteen

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You licked your lips, flinching from the light sting from the cut still healing. 

Midoriya's movements showed how extremely uncomfortable he was as he slowly made his way over.

It didn't take a genius to figure out he did not want to be going up against you right now. A piece of you was tired of watching and sitting around on the sidelines, it wasn't how you were raised.

"Begin." Aizawa called out. Your classmates leaned in, as if that could help them see better.

"U-Um..." Midoriya muttered, "...please forgive me!" He quickly bowed like before in Recovery Girl's office; you tilted your head confused at this action but suddenly his eyes narrowed focusing on you he bolted forward with shocking speed.

Your eyes widened for a moment; you were expecting such speed but then again, he was All Might's successor, what else did you expect from him?

"Are you really going to hit her!?" Mina gasped out.

"Wha-!?" Midoriya glanced over, his fist balled up aimed directly at your face. Midoriya internally panicked, what if this was a test and he failed it!?

You watched with a bored expression as you activated your quirk, and Midoriya glides right through you. You bit back a smirked at Midoriya's confused face realizing what just happened.

"What?" People muttered among themselves.

"Whoa!" Kirishima laughed, "That was kinda cool!"

You turned to face Midoriya, his eyebrows were furrowed together. He was trying to figure out your quirk, trying to spot out a weakness. Midoriya shook his head, getting riled up again. He extended his leg trying to come to your side, but you turned your quirk on in time to watch it glide through you.

"Wha the-?" Midoriya muttered, not sure what to do next.

"I'm sorry too." You said, now it was Midoriya's turn to tilt his head confused.

Quickly reaching out, you grabbed his arm twisting it so roughly he cried out in pain as you flipped him over onto his back.

"What!?" Voices from your classmates echoed around the gym, clearly not ready for what just happened.

Midoriya recovered quickly jumping to his feet, his hands raised ready this time.

"I was not expecting you to move so fast!" Midoriya lightly laughed.

"By the way-" Aizawa called pulling attention to him. "-I should have mentioned-"

"Huh?" Midoriya stared at Aizawa drinking in anything he was about to say.

You took his opportunity to quickly push his raised fist out of the way and land a punch directly to his nose. Midoriya stumbled away, eyes watering like you knew they would. You stepped forward swinging another punch to knock Midoriya out, but he blocked it.

"-(y/n) didn't get into this course simply because of a recommendation." Aizawa explained, "She had her own set of tests she had to go through to be allowed into the hero course."

"Now you tell us that!" Mina lectured.

Midoriya threw his punch, slicing the air but you moved your head in time avoiding teeth getting knocked out. You twisted your body around him, fire erupted along your skin raising your elbow, you slammed it against Midoriya's skull. His eyes went wide as black dots filled his vision.

You didn't just stop there; he wouldn't get the chance to bounce back.

You took kicked Midoriya's legs out, taking him to the floor you could hear the wind get knocked out of his lungs. Placing your leg roughly against his lower back kept him down as you pulled his right arm and twisted it behind his back. 

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