Chapter Forty Three

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"Here it is." Jiro broke the tension as she pointed to the burger place.

"Yes!" Kirishima and Kaminari swine dived into the building.

"Morons." Bakugo muttered, catching the door with his hand. He glanced back to you, Mina and Jiro. "Ugh-!" He growled after a second, "-go!"

"I-Is he holding the door open for us?" Jiro whispered into Mina's ear.

"Uh...thanks Bakugo-" Mina said stepping through the door with you and Jiro following him. You didn't so much as glance his way as you passed him, you didn't need or want him to hold open the door. "-being all gentlemen like."

"What did you say!?" Bakugo snapped around being the last to enter.

"It was a compliment!" Mina swore, waving him off.

You were already at the register looking up to the menu ordering food.

"Hungry I see!" Kirishima grinned, stepping beside you.

"Yeah." You nodded, after paying for your order.

"How about we go find us some seats while everyone else orders?" Kirishima questioned.

"Sure." You shrugged, not feeling like you had the energy to walk ten more steps.

"This place is nice!" Kirishima said sliding into the large round booth next to you.

"It is." You nodded glancing around as you rubbed your sore neck, the food before you wafted to your nose but you felt so exhausted your stomach turned at the thought of food.

"Are you excited for the camp?" Kirishima tried to keep the conversation naturally flowing, not realizing how tired you appeared to be.

"If I knew what it was then maybe."

"H-How do you not know!?" Kirishima gushed, you shrugged. "Right..." Kirishima realized, you showed up half way through the semester. " probably don't even know why we are all excited to go!"

"Not a clue." You yawned, leaning on your arm. "So, tell me why."

"Tell you what?" The rest of your group joined inside the large circle booth.

"(y/n) doesn't know what camp we are going to!"

"Oh-!" Kaminari laughed, holding his hands up. "-you are going to love it, a spaz like you? It's gonna be like freaking Christmas!"

"I don't know..." You muttered, "...never had a Christmas."


"Does the concept of held prisoner mean nothing?" You wondered, resting your head on your hand.

"Ok-!" Mina quickly said, "-it's this awesome training camp where-" Mina went on to explain something you already had grasped. It wasn't hard to understand, it was a training camp, how hard could it be?

"What's up with your arm?" Kaminari pointed, you followed his gaze seeing the marks painting your skin.

"Their bruises?" You answered.

"Where did you get them from?" Jiro wondered causing you to laugh.

"You think I went thirty something rounds with UA students and walked away without a scratch!?" You leaned back as you laughed. "I'm not that good, you guys give me to much credit."

"We really don't!" Kirishima expressed, "If anything we don't give you enough support as your friends!"

"Yeah!" Mina and Asui agreed.

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