Chapter Eleven

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After missing a whole week of school, All Might, Dr. Aimi and you decided to return to school only for a couple of days. After that and if you still wished, then you will be pulled out of class and placed in online classes.

There was thick silence in the car this morning while All Might drove to school. You gazed out the window, feeling a little lighter after a few sessions with Dr. Aimi. You felt closer to All Might too.

Maybe you weren't ruining his life by being around.

All Might glanced over, you gazed out the window watching the city run by. He had no idea you survived as cruelly as you did. He selfishly chose his wants over your needs, he thought putting you in an environment with kids your age would be the best needed to heal in ways he could never understand.

You and All Might parted ways, agreeing to meet at his car so he can drive you home. You had minutes before the bell rang, signaling school to start. Your hand was on the classroom door, you filled your lungs before pulling the door open.

Eyes instantly greeted you.

You kept your eyes forward, slowly exhaling, making your way to your seat.

The room felt still as the light bubbly atmosphere flattened.

'Don't' You thought to yourself, turning to gaze out the window. 'It's not your fault they stopped their conversation and made it awkward, you cannot feel sad for things out of your control.' You repeated Dr. Aimi's words again and again inside your head until Aizawa showed up and started class.

The teacher and you locked eyes; he was surprised to see you here today but knew what was going on thanks to All Might keeping him in the loop.

"Good morning class." Aizawa said, "Today we are going to pick up where we left off-" Aizawa started the class.

You slightly listened to Aizawa as you gazed out the window watching the clouds peacefully float by.

"Take one and pass it down-" Aizawa ordered, "-then get with your matching number and began your assignment."

"Dumbass-!" A voice snapped, turning from the window Bakugo was turned around in his seat glaring at you as he held out papers.

"Oh." You muttered, taking one for yourself before handing them behind you to Midoriya.

"Alright-!" Kaminari rubbed his hands together, he loved group projects. "-who has number eight!?"

You gazed down at the number in the corner of the sheet in your hand. With another deep sigh slowly you raised your hand. Kaminari's face dropped seeing you were his partner.

"What!?" He sighed, throwing his head back. "Why do I have to be partners with the weirdo!?"

Aizawa turned from stepping into his sleeping bag, about to tear Kaminari a new one. You rose to your feet, moving to sit beside your partner.

"Yeah-" You replied flatly, "-because I am thrilled to be partnered with you."

"Wh-?" Kaminari blinked, hearing you speak actual words. Aizawa smirked returning to crawling in his sleeping bag. Shadow Jack broke you, forced you to believe you were useless, you were just a broken tool. But it would seem Dr. Aimi's sessions were working.

Flipping to the correct page you ignored Kaminari and began to work on the packet before you.

"I'll do the first four pages and you can do the last four." You spoke without looking at the blond.

"W-Well how about-"

"You thought I would do all the work and you could just copy?" You looked over at the boy.

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