Chapter Eighty Four

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"(y/n)-" Ida stepped forward, touching his chest. "-I never meant to-" The hissing of the wall behind you stopped Ida mid-sentence.

"Am I interrupting something-?" Her fair pink skin caused you to smile, seeing a melted hole inside the concrete. The first thing you did before Mina finished her sentence was step out of the enclosure. "-because it sure looked like I did-?" Mina's voice drowned out in your hearing by a high pitch sending chills down your spine. Your arm wrap wrapped around Mina, pulling her into your chest as you ducked down.

Katsuki came flying from the side, crackling igniting inside the palm of his damp hand blowing the oncoming villain away.

"Did you just whistle at me?" You stood upright. Katsuki smirked, landing on his feet he placed himself in front of you, causing your eyes to roll sideways.

"We need a plan!" Momo called out; sound of pieces of cement being blown to pieces rang inside your ears as the dust filling the room stung your throat. Your eyes flickered around the room knowing she was right you desperately tried to piece together an idea.

"I got it!" The light inside your head flicked on. "Mineta!" You called out.

"She said a plan (y/n)." Shoto muttered.

"Mineta you are the only one without a collar, you can use your quirk with no restraint."

"Y-Yeah? So?"

"You can use your balls to coat a corner of the room. Katsuki, Shoto and Izuku can lure her into it."

"That's-" Shoto blinked, "-that might work!"

"It's up to you Mineta." You looked to the short boy who teared up feeling the warmth of you believing in him.

"(y/n)-!" He cried; "-you can use my balls however you wish!"

"Hah!?" Katsuki turned. "I'm killing him."

"Not now." You waved, "Sero, Momo, Jiro and Asui you guys need to distract her while Mineta sets the trap."

"On it!" The young heroes nodded.

Katsuki, Midoriya and Shoto covered Mineta with weeping tears flooding down his face as he frantically ripped the balls from his head, whipping them in the right corner of the room with the hopes this night would be over.

"Bakugo-!" Ida spun around, "-Shoto-!"

"Now!" Momo finished for the class rep seeing him getting punched, flying across the room.

Katsuki and Shoto ran in front of the villain, using their quirks against the pain of their collars they blasted the villain in her back, focusing her attention on them.

"You stupid brats!" The gruff voice gurgled from her throat.

"What was that you old hag!?" Katsuki baited her, slowly stepping backwards away from Shoto and his classmates leading her into the trap alone.

"What is he doing!?" Mina harshly whispered.

"Playing hero." You bit; Katsuki was supposed to work with Shoto not recklessly go off on his own like this. Katsuki let off a few rounds of his explosions riling up the oversized villain even further.

"I didn't quite catch that-!" Katsuki flashed his famous smirk, glancing over making sure you were far enough away. "-your voice is so grotesque it almost matches your face!"

"You little punk!" The villain belted forward, lanky arms reaching towards Katsuki whose arms reached out, quickly blasting her legs out from under her and jumping to the side letting gravity do its job as the villain began to fall towards the trap.

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