Chapter Twenty Two

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The alarm went off, signaling time was up.

Midnight and President Mic were busy getting the next stage of the festival kicked off to a start. You felt embarrassed as you were lifted off the ground by your team.

"I feel very uncomfortable." You started looking around at the other teams,

"We got this (y/n)!" Midoriya's tried encouraging, handing over your teams' headband.

"And now I look ridiculous." You muttered tying it around your neck instead of forehead. It would be too easy for someone to just grab it from on top your skull, and since your team wasn't going after any other headbands, you didn't have to worry about multiple bands strangling you to death.

Tokoyami was your team's front horse, while Midoriya and Ochaco were on your sides.

"Alright-!" Midoriya called, "-let's do this!"

"This is going to be a long round." Tokoyami sighed,

"Yeah-" You agreed, "-it's going to be one huge battle for our headband."

"We got a plan!" Midoriya said, "If we stick to it, I think we will be fine!"

"Hm." You hummed, thinking back to when the four of you strategized your possibly victory.

"(y/n)-!" Ochaco called, "-with your quirk that lets you phase, we can't lose!"

"Phase?" You questioned,

"When things just pass right through you!" Ochaco explained further,

"It's not that simple." You said, "I don't simply 'phase'."

"No?" Ochaco blinked, "Then..." She trailed off looking at the two other teammates. You sighed,

"I don't phase through objects; I can't pass through a wall. My quirk is wind, I can turn into it. Things don't really go through me, I guess I go around them instead."

"Wow-" Midoriya breathed, "-that is so cool!"

"I have seen you punch Jurota while his hand was still through you." Tokoyami pointed out,

"I can control which parts of my body change." You said, "But I can't be the rider and turn to wind, I'll just fall through you guys. And I can't simply have my torso 'phase' as you call for longer than a few minutes at a time."

"Oh." Tokoyami nodded,

"Hm." Midoriya hummed, understanding your quirk a little more. "What about your ice, or fire?"

"If we need them, I could use them-" You said, "-but using more than one quirk in a small-time frame exhaust me, I wouldn't be conscious after long if I do."

"Hm..." Midoriya did his muttering vomit thing again, " have amazing quirks, but each have their own draw backs...and if you put all those together than..."

"Yep." You nodded, "It's really more of a disadvantage when you see the big picture."

"Well then-" Midoriya decided, "-we will use Ochaco's quirk to make us lighter, and Dark Shadow can defend us. If it comes to it and someone gets close, (y/n) can phase for the few seconds it would take for us to get away."

"Sounds like a plan." You nodded,

"We got this!" Ochaco cheered.

"I am humbled to have a team such as this." Tokoyami bowed his head.

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